
Jökull - 01.01.2012, Blaðsíða 78

Jökull - 01.01.2012, Blaðsíða 78
S. Wastegård and J. Boygle 2 4 1 10 Den. No rw ay 16°E 60°N Malmö Göteborg Stockholm 3 5 7 6 8 9 1112 13 14 1516 17 192021 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Sundsvall YD m orai nes Gotland 18 23 Figure 1. Map showing locations in Sweden that have been investigated for tephrochronology. Most Holocene sites (hollow dots) are bogs and LGIT sites (black diamonds) are either lakes or infilled basins with lake sediments in the bottom. Numbers refer to sites in Table 2. The complete stratigraphy has only been investigated in a few sites. – Kort af stöðum sem hafa verið kannaðir með tilliti til gjóskulaga í Svíþjóð. Flestir staðanna frá nútíma (opnir hringir) eru mýrar, en staðir frá lokum síðasta jökulskeiðs (svartir tíglar) eru annað hvort stöðuvötn eða dældir með stöðuvatnaseti á botni. Tölur vísa til staðarnafna í töflu 2. Jarðlagaskipan hefur einungis verið rannsökuð á nokkrum stöðum. Two significant new additions to the LGIT tephrochronological frameworks of NW Europe are the Hässeldalen (ca. 11.3 ka BP) and Askja-S tephras (ca. 10.4 ka BP) that were first reported from the Hässeldala port site in SE Sweden by Davies et al. (2003). The Askja-S Tephra (also reported as the Askja 10-ka Tephra) has earlier been described from Iceland (Sigvaldason, 2002) but no earlier records have been made of the Hässeldalen Tephra. Since this first record, these two tephras have emerged as impor- tant regional isochrones in NW Europe for the early Holocene (Lind and Wastegård, 2011; Davies et al., 2012; Lane et al., 2012). Both tephras occur in close association to rapid climatic events and will be central to the goals of the INTIMATE project which aims to integrate ice-core, marine and terrestrial records from the time period between 60 and 8 ka BP (Blockley et al., 2012; Davies et al., 2012). Recent investigations confirm that the Hässeldalen tephra is widespread in the southern Baltic Sea region (Lane et al., 2012; Lilja et al., in press). The only layer from the early part of the Lateglacial period is a tephra that was originally cor- related with the Borrobol Tephra, ca. 14.0 ka BP (Davies et al., 2003), previously found in lateglacial sequences in Scotland (Turney et al., 1997). How- ever, later investigations of the Hässeldala port se- quence indicate that the tephra found in Sweden more likely correlates with the slightly younger Penifiler Tephra (ca. 13.8 ka BP) that has the same major el- ement geochemistry as the Borrobol Tephra (Davies et al., 2004; Pyne-O’Donnell, 2007). However, the issue of possibly two or three different tephras with similar geochemical composition in the early part of the Greenland Interstadial 1 (GI-1) is not yet fully re- solved (Matthews et al., 2011). THE MIDDLE TO LATE HOLOCENE (c. 7 ka BP-present) Persson (1966, 1971) investigated several peat bogs in western central Sweden for possible occurrences of tephra. He noted three or four peaks in tephra concentration in many bogs and with help of meth- ods such as refractive indices and grain size distribu- 76 JÖKULL No. 62, 2012
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