Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2019, Side 109

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2019, Side 109
 37% m/svæsna T2: Einstaklingar með SIB svefnerfiðleika Áfallastreituröskun hafði neikvæð áhrif 8% háðir umönnun á: Lífsgæði; p<0,05; svefn; p<0,007 og þreytu, p<0,0008 Lífsgæði betri á T2 en T1, p<0,006, skýrt með betri félagslegri þátttöku og færri tilfinningatengdum vandamálum Wermer Þversniðsrannsókn 8,9 árum n=610 Samanburður haDS 26% hættu að vinna SIB-sjúklingar: o.fl. eftir SiB með SiB við óskilgreint Viðtöl með hálf- 24% m/styttri Atvinnustaða: 2007 normalþýði leiðandi spurningum vinnutíma og/eða Vinnustundir fyrir SiB 35 stundir/viku holland minni ábyrgð (95%Ci 33,9–36,5; spönn 4–80) 7% fráskildir vegna Vinnustundir eftir SiB 30 stundir/viku SiB-vandamála 59% (95%Ci 28,7–31,8; spönn 2–80) persónuleika- Hjúskaparstaða: breytingar, þar af 37% 7% fráskildir vegna SiB-vandamála pirringur og 29% (95%Ci; 5–9%). önnur tilfinninga- Kvíði/þunglyndi: tengd vandamál Þunglyndi meira (M=6,2±3,1) en hjá 17% með þreytu normalþýði (M=3,4±3,3, Or 2,8, 95%Ci 12% höfuðverk 2,3–3,3) 12% einbeitingar- Meiri kvíði (M=5,4±3,9) en hjá normal- erfiðleika þýði (M=5,1±3,6, Or 0,3; 95%Ci 8% svima 0,3–0,9) * niðurstöður eftir eins mánaðar eftirfylgd, tilvísun í þær vegna svipaðra niðurstaðna eftir þrjá mánuði og 12 mánuði sem voru ekki birtar; **Sami samanburðarhópur í tveimur rannsóknum (Passier o.fl., 2010; Passier o.fl. 2011a); ***Sömu rannsóknahópar í tveimur rannsóknum (Berggren o.fl., 2010b; Berggren o.fl., 2011). Mælitæki: ritrýnd grein scientific paper tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga • 2. tbl. 95. árg. 2019 109 Heimild Aðferð Tími eir Úrtak Mælitæki Tíðni Niðurstöður Ár áfall SIB SamanburðurLand Mælingar aLQi (aachen life quality inventory); BaDS (Behavioural assessment of the dysex- ecutive syndrome); BCi (Brief coping inventory); BD (Block design); BDi (Beck de- pression inventory); Bells test (Visual neglect): Bi (Barthel index); BiPQ (Brief illness perception questionnaire); BiSC (Brain injury symptom checklist); BiSC-Cog (BiSC; cognitive complaints): BiSC-EL (BiSC; emotional lability): BiSC-fat (BiSC; fatigue): BiSC-ha (BiSC; headache); BnT (Boston naming test); Brixton spatial anticipation test (executive function/strategic thinking); CES-D (Center for epidemiological stud- ies depression scale); CiQ (Community integration questionnaire); CirS (Cumula- tive illness rating scale); CiSS (coping inventory for stressful situations); CfQ (Cognitive failure questionnaire); CLCE-24 (Checklist for cognitive and emotional consequences following stroke); COWa (Controlled oral word association test); CVLT-ii (Caliornia verbal learning test, 2. útg.); DEX/DEX proxy (Dysexecutive Questionnaire); DEX-EC (Dysexecutive Questionnaire; Executive cognition scale); DEX-EC proxy (Dysexecutive Questionnaire; Executive cognition scale for proxy); DEX-SC (Dysexecutive Questionnaire; Social convention); DEX-SC (Dysexecutive Questionnaire; Social convention for proxy); EPQ-n (Eysenck personality question- naire); EST-Q (Emotional state questionnaire); EQ-5D (EuroQol-five dimension scale); EQ-VaS (EuroQol-visual analog scale); fiM-MS (functional independence measure motor score); fSS (fatigue severity scale); fSQ (functional status question- naire); gCS (glasgow coma scale); gDS (goldberg despression scale); gOS (glas- gow outcome scale); grooved pegboard test; haDS (hospital anxiety and depresson scale); iES (impact of event scale); iPa (impact on participation and autonomy); iPS (information processing speed); iVa-CPT (integrated visual auditory- Continuous performance test); LhS (London handicap scale); LiaDL (Lawton instrumental ac- tivities of daily living scale); LiSat-9 (Life satisfaction questonnaire); LM (Logical memory); LM-i-ii (Long memory subtest i-ii); MMSE (Mini mental state exami- nation); MoCa (Montreal cognitive assessment); mrS (modified rankin Scale); MfSi-Sf (Multidimensional fatigue sumptom inventory-short form); OgQ (Occu- pational gaps questionnaire); PaOf (Patients assessment of own functioning); PDS (Post- traumatic diagnostic scale); PgWB (Psychological general well-being); PSQi (Pittsburgh sleep quality index); Phonological fluency (concept generation test); QOLS (Quality of life scale); QuaSCh/PQuaSCh (Questonnaire on subaracnoid hemorrhge-byggt á MOS-36/12, Sf-36/12 og SiP); raVLT (rey auditory verbal learning task); rBMT-E (rivermead behavioural memory test- extended version); rey-CfT (rey complex figure test-visuospatial functioning); rOCf (rey-Osterreith complex figure); rrL (role resumption list); rnL (reintegration to normalliving); Sf-36/12 (Short form health survey); SCiD (Structured clinical interview for DSM diagnosis); SCQ (Sense of competence questionnaire); SiP (Sickness impact profile); SiS (Stroke impact scale); SnaQ (Southampton needs assessment questionnaire); STai (State trait anxiety inventory); SS-QoL (Stroke- Specific-Quality of Life Scale 2.útg.) Stroop (Cognitive speed, set-shifting, response inhibition); Stroop color word test (attention test); TEa (Test of everyday attention); TiCS (Telephone interview of cognitive status); TMT (Trail making test); uCL (utrecht coping list question- naire); VPa (Visual paired associates); WaiS-iii (Wechsler adult intelligence scale iii); WaiS-r (Wechsler adult intelligence scale-revised); WLQ (Work limitations Questionnaire); WMS-iii (Wechlser memory scale iii).
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Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga

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