Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1969, Side 91

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1969, Side 91
— 89 — 1969 second month and to 20 and 10 per cent in the third and fourth months respectively. Recent evidence suggests that even after the fourth month of pregnancy maternal rubella may give rise to hearing defects in the child after birth. 3.56. With the realization of the substantial risk to the developing fetus of maternal rubella during early pregnancy means were sought of protecting women from the disease during this period. Human normal immunoglobulin has been available for a number of years for administration during the first 4 months of pregnancy to women who are not known to be immune to the disease and have been in definite close contact with infection. The report of a survey (Public Health Laboratory Service, 1968b) showed, however, that immunoglobulin in the dosage normally used (750 mg), when given in the first trimester of Pregnancy to women who had been in contact with rubella, did not appear to give any appreciable protection. In a subsequent survey in which double the normal dosage of immunoglobulin (1,500 mg) was used, there again appeared to be no prophylactic effect (Public Health Laboratory Service, 1970b). It was clear, therefore, that the only reliable protection against rubella was likely to be an effective rubella vaccine. 3.57. The discovery tiiat rubella virus could be grown on cell culture Paved the way for the development of vaccines against rubella. A live attenuated rubella virus vaccine was developed after passage of the vL’Us through African green monkey kidney cells (Parkman, 1966). Subsequently other live attenuated rubella vaccines were developed by growing the virus on avian cell cultures (Parkman, Meyer and Hopps, 1969), primary rabbit kidney (Huygelen and Peetermans, 1967), duck embryo (Buynak et ai., 1968) and human diploid fibroblast celis (Plot- Lin et al., 1967). In the United Kingdom the Medical Research Council carried out trials of vaccines prepared from rubella virus strains grown °n rabbit kidney (Cendehill strain), duck embryo (HPV-77 DE5 strain) and human diploid tissue (RA 27/3 strain). All produced satisfactory antibody responses in human subjects. 3-58. In January 1970, when a live attenuated vaccine prepared from the Cendehill strain became available for general use in the United Kingdom, doctors were so informed by letter (Department of Health and Social Security, 1970d). An advisory group (now a Sub-committee the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization) was as- •sernbled to consider the use of this vaccine. Their recommendations, which were endorsed by the Joint Committee, were that live attenuated rubella virus vaccine should be offered to all girls between their llth and 14th birthdays. Vaccination of adult women of child-bearing age yas not recommended as a routine because there would be a risk of madvertently vaccinating a woman in early pregnancy, but it was left 12
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