Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1969, Qupperneq 92

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1969, Qupperneq 92
1969 — 90 — to the patient’s own doctor to use his discretion in the individual case (Department of Health and Social Security, 1970b). Should a doctor decide to offer vaccine under such circumstances it is desirable to have a preliminary serological test which can be obtained through the Public Health Laboratory Service; only those women found to be seronegative to rubella virus should be considered for vaccination. It is important to be sure that a woman is not pregnant at the time of vaccination or for two months afterwards. B.59. Routine vaccination was begun on lst September 1970, initial priority being given to girls in their 14th year (i. e. aged 13 years). In order to facilitate the vaccination programme in its early stages vaccine was made available without cost to local authorities up to 31st March 1971. This was to enable them during that period to offer vaccination to all girls in their 14th year (Department of Health and Social Secu- rity, 1970c). 3.60. The aim of the vaccination programme is not to eradicate rubella from the community, but rather to protect girls before they reach the childbearing age, and thus to reduce and finally, it is hoped, eliminate the risk of fetal abnormality due to rubella in early pregnancy. It has been estimated that about 200 children are born in England and Wales with congenital rubella defects in a non-epidemic year but, of course, the number would be greatly increased following an epidemic. In order to assess the effect of vaccination on the incidence of congenital ru- bella defects a careful plan for maternal surveillance has been drawn up by Dr. J. A. Dudgeon, the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London and Professor R. W. Smithells, Department of Paediat- rics, University of Leeds at the behest of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization. It is hoped that this plan, which is essentially an extension of a scheme which is already being operated by a number of paediatricians, will be inaugurated in 1971.“ Prófessor Margrét Guðnadóttir hefur látið í té eftirfarandi greinar- gerð um bólusetningu gegn rauðum hundum: Auk þess sem rubella-veira skaðar fóstur, ef móðir veikist á fyrstu vikum meðgöngutíma, hefur rubella einnig valdið fósturskemmdum, þar sem móðir hafði sjúkdóminn rétt áður en hún varð ófrísk. Börn, sem fæðast með galla af völdum rubella-fóstursýkingar, skilja veiruna út í þvagi og saur marga mánuði eftir fæðingu. Má finna veiruna í vefjum þessara barna a. m. k. tveimur árum eftir fæðingu. Þessi börn eru því smitberar. Þau fæðast þó með miklu magni af mót- efnum, sem fóstrið sjálft hefur myndað in utero, en eru ekki komin gegnum fylgju frá móður. Þessi mótefni koma ekki í veg fyrir útskilnað
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