

Læknablaðið - 01.12.2021, Síða 32

Læknablaðið - 01.12.2021, Síða 32
596 L ÆKNABL AÐIÐ 2021/107 R A N N S Ó K N um fagmennsku án hamlandi áhrifa frá ófullnægjandi starfsum- hverfi. Þakkir Höfundar þakka Kristjáni Kristjánssyni, Stephen Earl og Francisco Moller við Jubilee-rannsóknarsetrið við Birmingham-háskóla í Bretlandi fyrir góða aðstoð við undirbúning og úrvinnslu rann- sóknarinnar. Starfsfólki á skrifstofum Hugvísindastofnunar og heilbrigðisvísindasviðs HÍ eru jafnframt færðar þakkir fyrir veitta aðstoð. Þátttakendum er þakkað fyrir tíma sinn og veitt svör. Rannsóknin er hluti af stærra rannsóknarverkefni (Siðræn- ar dygðir og læknismenntun) sem innifól úrtakshóp á meðal læknanema við læknadeild HÍ á 1.-3. námsári. Sökum þess að læknanemar hafa ekki starfsreynslu sem læknar tók þessi hluti rannsóknarinnar ekki til þeirra. E N G L I S H S U M M A R Y Svanur Sigurbjörnsson1 Vilhjálmur Árnason2 1Faculty of Medicine 2Faculty of History and Philosophy, University of Iceland. Correspondence: Svanur Sigurbjörnsson, svan@hi.is Key words: professional moral character, clinical working environment, stress, good medical practice, autonomy, virtue ethics Professional moral character of physicians and clinical working environment INTRODUCTION. A survey of the experience of Icelandic medical candidates, general physicians, and specialty physicians of clinical work, aimed to show how the working environment affects doctors’ moral character and experience of support, well-being and expectations. For comparison, results of a British survey with the same questions for specialty physicians were used. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A total of 89 physicians answered 15 questions. Statistical comparison was made between results from topical clusters of questions. RESULTS. The results show a significant problem in work conditions of Icelandic doctors. Their experience is rated low in the second quarter (2,1 – 3,0) on a numerical scale of how the environment thwarts professional character and of lack of support. In comparison with British specialists, their experience is similar but slighly better regarding supportiveness. Icelandic candidates and general physicians experience significantly more stress, less support and autonomy in their work than specialists. Compared to the British, the experience of Icelandic specialists was more positive about professional autonomy and emotional attachment to the work. Our survey shows for the first time the effect of the working environment on professional virtues of Icelandic doctors. DISCUSSION. These findings resonate with the literature that the moral character of doctors contributes to satisfaction, flourishing and experience of meaningfulness. They substantiate views raised by Icelandic physicians about tremendous work stress and scarcity of staff. The survey demonstrates the doctors‘ experience of work-related challenges and provides reasons for society to improve their working conditions to enable them to live up to their ideals. doi 10.17992/lbl.2021.12.666 Heimildir 1. Arthur J, Kristjánsson K, Thomas H, et al. Virtuous Medical Practice - Research Report. Research Report. Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtue, Birmingham, UK 2015. 2. Commission EE. ESS Standard for Quality Reports. European Communities, Lúxemborg 2009. ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-manuals-and-guidelines/-/KS-RA-08-015 – maí 2021 3. Árnason V. Siðfræði lífs og dauða. 2. útg. Siðfræðistofnun og Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík 2003. 4. Littman-Ovadia H, Steger M. Character strengths and well-being among volunteers and employees: Toward an integrative model. J Posit Psychol 2010; 5: 419-30. 5. Angerer P, Weigl M. Physicians‘ Psychosocial Work Conditions and Quality of Care: A Literature Review. Profess Professionalism 2015; 5. 6. Gunnarsdóttir GA. 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Tólf gjörgæslurúm á Landspítala - dugar það til? Læknablaðið 2018; 104: 333. 15. Benedikz E. Öryggi sjúklinga og flækjustig nútíma heilbrigðisþjónustu. Læknablaðið 2018; 104: 167. 16. McManus IC, Winder BC, Gordon D. Are UK doctors particularly stressed? Lancet 1999; 354: 1358-9. 17. McManus IC, Winder BC, Gordon D. The causal links between stress and burnout in a longitudional study of UK doctors. Lancet 2002; 359: 2089-90. Greinin barst til blaðsins 21. maí 2021, samþykkt til birtingar 18. október 2021.



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