AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.09.1995, Blaðsíða 75

AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag - 01.09.1995, Blaðsíða 75
E N G L I suggests various means by which the municipality could reduce use of cars, e.g. by planning for densely-devel- oped districts around service areas, providing for fast bus services be- tween main centres and the city cen- tre, park-and-ride, car pools, carshar- ing, flexi-time working to reduce the load at rush hours, not providing large amounts of parking in the city centre, and improving conditions for walkers and cyclists. The state could also take action, e.g. by devoting funds to build- ing up bus services, reducing pollu- tion from cars, free bus travel for stu- dents, and research into alternative energy sources. PAGE 39 BREMEN: TWO EXPERI- MENTS ON TRAFFIC AND THE EN- VIRONMENT Bjarni Reynarsson writes about efforts to reduce the problems attached to use of private cars in the city of Bremen. The „Auto sharing" scheme is part of a European car-sharing or- ganisation, based on the principle of having use of a car without owning it, Research has also been done into „ride-share“ schemes. Experiments are also being carried out in Bremen, Berlin, Amsterdam and other cities to develop urban districts without provi- sion for private cars. This saves vast sums which would otherwise be spent onconstructing car-parking spaces. Excellent public transport supersedes the private car. PAGE 42 A RAILWAY FOR THE REYKJAVÍK AREA The graduation project of architect Magni Gunnar Stefánsson. He visua- lises a railway running from the pre- sent bus terminal in Reykjavík to the city centre, and thence to the centres of nearby towns Kópavogur, Garðabær and Hafnarfjörður. Iceland has no railways, although a short rail- way line was laid in the early 20th cen- tury, when a locomotive was used to transport rock for building Reykjavík harbour. Atrain of this kind would pro- S H S U vide an alternative to dependence on the private car. PAGE 46 CONSTRUCTION NEWS An item on the growing demand for siding , a large amount of which is manufactured in Poland. PAGE46 COMPETITION AND CON- FERENCE 1996 An announcement of a conference on planning in June 1996, 75 years after the first planning legislation was passed in lceland. There will also be an open competition on „lceland in 2018“ which will be the centenary of lceland’s independence from Den- mark. PAGE47 THEPURPOSE OF IMAGE AND TEXT Art historian Halldóra Árnadóttir con- siders the value of periodicals such as Domus, Casabella Continuatá and Stile Industria for architects. PAGE 50 GUSTAV LORENTZEN IN MEMORIAM Sveinn Jónsson writes a tribute to the late Professor Gustav Lorentzen and his contribution to refrigeration tech- nology. PAGE 52 THE CITY LIBRARY IN MUNSTER A description of theCity Library in Munster, designed by the Bolles- Wilson firm of architects. PAGE 56 HANNES KR. DAVÍÐSSON Architect Skúli H. Norðdahl writes an assessment of the work of Hannes Kr. Davíðsson, one of the pioneers of lce- landic architecture, who died in April this year. PAGE 60 EU ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ANDITS EFFECT ON PLAN- NING Planner Hólmfríður Bjarnadóttir dis- cusses the environmental policy of the European Union, with which lceland must comply under the terms of the M M A R Y EEA agreement. She points out exam- ples of the way the policy of achiev- ing sustainable development is being pursued at the local-government level in EU countries, and suggests that a similar approach should be adopted in lceland. PAGE65 ÍSARK SUMMER SCHOOL 1995 The second Summer School of ÍS- ARK, the lcelandic School of Architec- ture, was held in June this year. The course, which was held in English, was attended by 18 students of nine dífferent nationalities. A book on all the students’ projects will be published shortly. The next step planned by ÍS- ARK is to start teaching architecture in lceland, in collaboration with univer- sities abroad. PAGE 69 A DOUBLE-WALLED EN- ERGY-SAVING WOODEN HOUSE Architect Gestur Ólafsson writes about the ENERTIA house, designed by US engineer Michael Sykes, which is dou- ble-walled and utilises solar energy. The author suggests that lcelanders should be more aware of the possible economies which the right house can offer, rather than sticking rigidly to the conventional large concrete house and assuming that it is not worth eco- nomizing on cheap geothermal heat- ing. PAGE 75 THE ASSOCIATION OF PLANNERS Sigurður Guðmundsson, chairman of the Association of Planners, writes about the association, which was founded 10 years ago. The member- ship is at present 20 people. PAGE 78 VIKING GARDEN NEAR OSLO The Viking Garden, in the Tusenfryd park near Oslo, is designed by lce- landic architect Guðmundur Jónsson. Buildings in the garden are built in Vi- king style, with reference to the rather sparse available sources. ■ 73
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AVS. Arkitektúr verktækni skipulag

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