Læknaneminn - 01.10.1987, Side 28

Læknaneminn - 01.10.1987, Side 28
9. Roitt I., BrostofF J., Male D.(1985) Immunology, Churchill Livingstone, London. 10. Pross H.F.(1986) The involvem- ent of natural killer cells in hum- an malignant disease. í Immuno- biology of natural killer cells, vol. II, ritstj. Lotzová E., Herberman R. B.; CRC Press, Inc, Florida, 11-29. 11. Allison J.P., Lanier L.L.(1987) The T-cell antigen receptor gamma gene, Immunology today, 8, 293-296. 12. Reinherz E.LJ1987) T-cell re- ceptors, who needs more? Nature, 325,660. 13. Salmon M., Bacon P.A., Young S. P.(1987) Natural killer cells in peripheral blood and the mixed lymphocyte response: interaction with the transferrin receptor. Im- munology, 62, 81-87. 14. Woodruíf M.F.A.(1986) The cyto- lytic and regulatory role of natur- al killer cells en experimental neoplasia, Biochim Biophys Acta, 865, 43-57. 15. Gorelik E., Herberman R.B.(1986) Role of natural killer(NK) cells in control of tumor growth and metastatic spread. í Cancer im- munology: Innovative Approaches to Therapy, ritstj. R. B. Herberman; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston. 151-177. 16. Robles C.P, Pollack S.B.(1986) Antibody responses and regula- tion; a role for natural killer cells, Nat. Immun. Cell Growth Regul., 5, 64-74. 17. James K., Ritchie(1984) Do nat- ural killer cells regulate B-cell activity? Immunology Today, 5, 193- 194. 18. Lotzová E.(1986) NK cell role in regulation og the growth and functions of hemopoietic and lymphoid cells. í Immunobiology of natural killer cells, vol. II, ritstj. Lotzová E., Herberman R.B.; CRC Press, Inc, Florida, 89-107. 19. Fitzgerald P. A., Lopez C.(1986) Natural killer cells active against viral, bacterial, protozoan, and fungal infections. f Immunobiology of natural killer cells, vol. II, ritstj. Lotzová E., Herberman R.B.; CRC Press, Inc, Florida, 107-133. 20. Savary C.A., Lotzová E.(1986) Phylogeny and ontogeny and NK cells. í Immunobiology of natural killer cells, vol. I, ritstj. Lotzová E.,Herberman R.B.; CRC Press, Inc, Florida, 45-63. Háaleitis Apotek Háaleitisbraut 68, Austurveri Símar: 82100 Receptur 82101 Afgreiðsla LYF HJÚKRUNARVÖRUR SNYRTIVÖRUR 26 LÆKNANEMINN Vntn-M. árg.



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