Læknaneminn - 01.10.1987, Síða 52

Læknaneminn - 01.10.1987, Síða 52
Solubilization of immune precip- itates by six isolated alternative pathway proteins. J Exp Med 1981; 154:1743-51. 19. Takahashi M, Takahashi S, Hir- ose S. Solubilization of antigen- antibody complexes: A new function of complement as regulator of immune reactions. Prog Allergy 1980; 27:134-66. 20. Schiíferli JA, Steiger G, Paccaud J-P. Complement mediated inhi- bition of immune precipitation and solubilization generate dif- ferent concentration of complem- ent anaphylatoxins (C4a, C3a, C5a). Clin Exp Immunol 1986; 64:407-14. 21. Wilson J, Murphy EE, Wong WW, Klickstein LB, Weis JA, Fearon DT. Restriction fragment length polymorphism of the CRl gene correlating with low num- ber of CRl on erythrocytes. Complement 1985; 2:87. abstract. 22. CornacoffJB, Herbert LA, Smead WL, VanAman ME, Birmingham DJ, Waxmann FJ. Primate eryt- hrocyte-immune complex-clear- ing mechanism. J Clin Invest 1983; 71:236-47. 23. Waxman FJ, Herbert LA, Corna- coíf JB, ofl. Complement deplet- ion accelerates the clearance og immune complexes from the circulation ofprimates.J Clin In- vest 1984; 74:1329-40. 24. Walport MJ, Newby JC, Yount WJ, Lachmann PJ. Loss of complement receptor type 1 from erythrocytes transfused into pat- ients with SLE or hemolytic an- emia. Complement 1985; 2:83. abstract. 25. Taylor RP, Horgan C, Busch- bacher R, ofl. Decreased com- plement mediated binding of antibody/3H-dsDNA immune complexes to the red blood cells of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid art- hritis, and hematologic malig- nancies. Arthritis Rheum 1983; 26:736-44. 26. Frank MM, Lawley TJ, Ham- burger MI, Brown EJ. Immun- oglobulin G Fc receptor- mediat- ed clearance in autoimmune dis- eases. Ann Inten Med 1983; 98:206-18. 27. Lachman PJ, Walport MJ. Def- iciency of the effector mechan- isms of the immune response and autoimmunity. I: Evered D, Whelan J ritstj. Autoimmunity and autoimmune disease. UK: Ciba Foundation Symposium 129, 1987:149-71. SIEMENS lækningatæki SMITH & NORLAND Nóatúni 4 - Sími 28300 50 LÆKNANEMINN ^987-40. árg.
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