Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1995, Síða 68
of grind was no longer known in Norway
(nor in the Faroes for that matter) at the
time of his writing. The matter is compli-
cated by the fact that there is very little ev-
idence to indicate how far back the use of
grind to refer to schools of whales in the
Faroes dates, although we may assume
from the term Grindamørcke (grind-fog),
as mentioned in Claussøn Friis’s account,
that it was already well-established in the
context of whale hunting in the Faroes by
the end of the sixteenth century.
With respect to the connection so fre-
quently made between grind (a school of
pilot whales) and gates, it is not surprising
that this explanation has been so highly
favoured, given the methodological simi-
larities between driving whales and driving
sheep which have been so often noted in the
many accounts of the hunt over the years.
As I have attempted to point out, however,
there seems to be little real substance to
such interpretations of the derivation of
grind. Rather they have become a self-per-
petuating component of popular represen-
tations of grindadráp. From a strictly ety-
mological point of view, they would appear
to require further investigation.
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Føroya - the dictionary collection in the
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The Oxford English Dictionary. 1991.Second Edition,
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1 This article has been adapted from the Appendix to
the author’s Master of Philopsphy thesis,
Grindadráp - A textual history ofwhaling
traditions in the Faroes to 1900, University of
Sydney, 1992 (unpublished).
Kate Sandersson
Oscar Larsensvej 15
N-9007 Tromsø