Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1995, Page 101
beaches in winter, at temperatures around
the freezing point. The frozen state, al-
though not normal, thus does not seem to
pose a lethal threat to these species.
In northem Sweden P. glacialis repro-
duces during June-July (Enckell, 1969) and
the nauplii mature in about two months.
During this period both nauplii, metanau-
plii and adults can be found together. The
conditions seem to be similar in the Faroes,
since nauplii, metanauplii and adults were
found together in, e.g., Leynarvatn and Sør-
Tilzer, M. 1968. Zur Ókologie und Besiedlung des
hochalpinen hyporheischen Interstitials im
Arlberggebiet (Ósterreich). Arch. Hydrobiol. 65:
Pehr H Enckell
Department of Ecology, Animal Ecology
Lund University
Ecology Building
S-223 62 Lund, Sweden
I thank D. Bloch for laboratory facilities and C. Brinck
for assistance in the field.
Borutzky, E.B. 1952. Fauna SSSR 3(4).
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Glacial terrestrial environments in Scandinavia.
Oikos 17: 250-266.
Chappuis, P.A. 1942. Eine neue Methode zur
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Delamare Deboutteville, C. 1960. Biologie des eaux
souterraines littorales et continentales. Paris.
Enckell, P.H. 1969. Distribution and dispersal of
Parastenocarididae (Copepoda) in northem Europe.
Oikos 20: 493-507
Enckell, P.H. 1989. When, How and Whence? A
tentative background for the Postglacial
Immigration of Terrestrial Invertebrates to the
Faroes. Fródskaparrit 34-35 (1986-87): 50-67.
Jansson, B.-O. 1968. Quantitative and experimental
smdies of the interstitial fauna in four Swedish
sandy beaches. Ophelia 5: 1-71.
Noodt, W. 1968. Deuten die Verbreitungsbilder
reliktarer Gmndwasser-Cmstaceen alte
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Rundschau 21: 470-476.