Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1995, Qupperneq 103
Whaleworm, Anisakis simplex,
in thefillets ofsaithe, Pollachius virens,
from Faroese waters
Dánjal Petur Højgaard
Hesi síðstu árini hava trupulleikar verið við rundormin-
um Anisakis simplex í upsaflaki. Stig vórðu tí tikin til at
eftirkanna títtleikan av Anwakú-ormverum í upsavødd-
um av Føroya-leiðini í 1991-94. Miðaltíttleikin sýnist
minkandi frá 97 % í 1991, til 67 % í 1994. Miðaltætt-
leikin fyri hvønn aldursbólkin hjá upsanum var 0-27 av
3. stig ormveru fyri hvønn fisk. Vinstra síða hjá
upsanum hýsir samanlagt fleiri ormverur (62 %) enn
høgra síða (38 %), og er hesin munur hagfrøðiliga
dyggur fýri búkpartamar (uggamar). Upsi tykist ikki
funnin í hvalamagum í føroyskum havøki; men sannlíkt
er, at sildreki er ein endavertur fyri Anisakis úr upsa.
Some years ago the Faroese fish industry became avare
of the problems with larvae of the nematode Anisakis
simplex in fillets from saithe, Pollachius virens. In
1991-1994 samples were taken to examine the fillets of
saithe from Faroese waters. The mean prevalence of in-
fection decreased from 97 % in 1991 to 67 % in 1994.
The abundance for the different year-classes was 0-27
third stage larvae. Left fillets of the saithe contained
more larvae (62 %) than right fillets (38 %). The differ-
ence is statistically significant for the ventral parts of the
fillets. Adult saithe has apparently not been found in the
stomach of marine mammals in Faroese waters, but it
seems likely that the minke whale is one fmal host to
Anisakis simplex from saithe in this areá.
Saithe (coalfish, pollock), Pollachius
virens, is of great importance in the Faroese
fishery for human consumption. However,
so far this species seems to have been ne-
glected in terms of parasitological investi-
gations. Apart from the extensive qualita-
tive work on the nematodes of different fish
species in Faroese waters by Køie (1993),
apparently very few investigations have
dealt with the parasites of the saithe. This
study deals with the infection of the third
stage larvae of the nematode Anisakis sim-
plex in the fillets of the saithe. In Faroese
waters the adult stages of Anisakis simplex
are common in the long-finned pilot whale,
Globicepaha melas (Trail, 1809), see e.g.
Raga and Balbuena (1993). Intermediate
stages have been found by Smith (1971) in
the eupahusiaceans Thysanosessa inermis
and T. longicaudata.
Materials and Methods
Between 2 March 1991 and 16 March
1994, a total of 313 saithe were examined
at the filleting plant “Bacalao” (Table 1).
Samples were collected from the fishery re-
Fróðskaparrit 43. bók. 1995: 107-113