
Bókasafnið - 01.04.1994, Blaðsíða 33

Bókasafnið - 01.04.1994, Blaðsíða 33
Þegar og ef ábyrgð grunnskóla flyst alfarið til sveitarfé- laga getur ríkið ekki sett einhliða reglugerð um skólasöfn sem segir til um stærð, tímafjölda, bókakaup og því um Iíkt, því ríkið er þar með að leggja fjárskuldbindingar á sveitarfélögin. Eftir sem áður verður það hlutskipti fram- sýnna og dugmikilla skólamanna að þróa skólasöfnin í þær stofnanir sem allir eru sammála um að séu til ómetanlegs gagns fyrir allt skólastarf. HEIMILDIR: Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla. 1989. Reykjavík : Menntamálaráðuneytið. Carroll, Frances Laverne and Patricia F. Beilke. 1979. Guidelines for the Planning and Organization of School Library Media Centres. Paris : Unesco. Lög um grunnskóla. 1974. Nr. 63. Mennt er máttur: skólastefha Kennarasambands íslands. 1987. [Reykjavík.] : Kennarasamband íslands. Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, ráðherra. 1984. [Bréf nr. S-77, K og H-3201, dags. 13. maí.]. SUMMARY Survey on the status of elementary school libraries in Iceland 1989-1990 A national survey on the situation of libraries in elementary schools (pupils aged 6-16). In the Education Act from 1974 it is laid down that a library should be established at every elementary school in the country. The aim of the study is e.g. to reveal the situation and the use of school libraries, their function, personnel, housing and holdings. Questionnaires were sent to 213 elementary schools, 170 returns were received (79,8%). The results are shown in text and 14 tables, with detailed information for each educational district on the number of libraries, number of pupils with access to school libraries, size of premises, overall size of the collect- ions, titles per pupil (with an average of 9,6), acquisitions per year, libr- ary staff and its education, the service of the school libraries, their business hours, teaching in library use and circulation. The main findings are that the school libraries are of uneven quality and many schools have no libr- aries at all. This situation is partially due to lack of official policy and guidelines for school libraries and to lack of professional debate on their objectives and functions. Many schools have on the other hand establis- hed good libraries. Cites a curriculum for primary schools which was published in 1989 including guidelines for school libraries, refers to the UNESCO manifest for school libraries as well. Concludes with pointing out that according to prospective new education policy elementary schools might be totally run by the local governments in the future but not by the Ministry of Education (Menntamálaráduneytid). . jr / / 7 . / Pjonusta per i hag! Lindin útgáfa og dreifing Suðurkndsbraut 10 108 Reykjavík Sími684044 Fax 621970 Bókasafhið 18. árg. 1994 33
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