Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1955, Qupperneq 112

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1955, Qupperneq 112
112 RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM 30th August 1947, at the Royal Water Colour Society Galleries. London [1947]. 8vo. BJÖRNSSON, BJÖRN. Iceland. A geographical, political, and economic survey. Offprint from „Viðskiptaskráin 1952“, Commercial and In- dustrial Directory for Iceland. Rvík 1952. 8vo. BJÖRNSSON, JÓN. Viddernes Konge. Fortælling fra Island. Kbh. 1944. 8vo. BLÖNDAL, SIGFÚS og INGEBORG STEMANN. Praktisk Lærebog i islandsk Nutidssprog. (Andet Oplag). Kbh. 1953. 8vo. BOHMAN, BIRGITTA. Gunnar Thorgrimsson frán Asbyrgi pá Island. Denna bok ingár som nr. 2 i serien: Barn i frammande lander. För den sakkunniga granskningen svarar Inga Thorar- insson. 111. af Stig Claesson. Sth. 1953. 12mo. BONUS, ARTHUR. Islanderbuch. Sammlung alt- germanischer Bauern- und Königsgeschichten. Neue Ausgabe. Illustration und Einband von Henrik Riedel-Brovik. Miinchen 1935. 8vo. BOUT, PIERRE. Études de géomorphologie dyna- mique en Islande. — Actualités scientifiques et industrielles 1197. Expeditions polaires frangai- ses. Missions Paul-Emile Victor. III. Paris 1953. 8vo. BRITISH COUNCIL, THE, & ANGLIA. British book display. An exhibition of recent British books held under the joint auspices of The Brit- ish Council & Anglia, Reykjavík 1954. Rvík [pr. in Great Britain] 1954. 8vo. BRUSTAT-NAVAL, FRITZ. Fischer vor Island. Berlin 1953. 8vo. CARLSEN, OTTO BLOM. Islandske mönttegn. Færöiske mönttegn. Særtryk af Nordisk Numis- matisk Unions Medlemsblad. Kbh. 1953. 8vo. CLAESSEN, G. Röntgendiagnostik. Vejledning for Læger og Studerende. Utgivet med et Forord af Gösta Forssell. 2. ændrede og udvidede Udgave. Kbh. 1946. 8vo. CLUNE, FRANK and P. R. STEPHENSEN. The viking of Van Diemen’s Land. The stormy life of Jorgen Jorgensen. With illustrations by Al- bert Zimmermann. London 1954. 8vo. CORPUS CODICUM ISLANDICORUM MEDII AEVI. IV. Codex Frisianus (Sagas of the Kings of Norway). With an introd. by Halldór Her- mannsson. Kbh. 1932. Fol. — Vol. XV. Óláfs saga ens helga. With an introd. by Jón Helgason. Kbh. 1942. 8vo. COUSINS, E. G. Untimely frost. A. novel. London 1953. 8vo. CUMMING, R. D. Sailing on to Iceland and across Canada by rail. Second edition, revised. London 1938. 8vo. DAY IN ICELAND, A. Photos by Thorsteinn Jos- epsson. Rvík 1935. Grbr. DIPLOMATIC BODY including Consuls of Career accredited at Reykjavík and List of Honorar>' Consuls in Iceland. — Ministry of Foreign Af- fairs. Rvík 1942. 12mo. DIPLOMATIC LIST, including Consuls of Career accredited at Reykjavík and List of Honorary Consuls in Iceland. November 1952. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. [Rvík] 1952. 8vo. —- — November 1953. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. [Rvík 1953]. 8vo. DIRECTORY OF ICELAND 1952. (29th edition). Official and commercial information. Rvík 1952. 8vo. -— (30th edition). Official and commercial infor- mation. Rvík 1953. 8vo. EDDA OG SAGA. Gudekvad. Heltekvad. Skjalde- kvad. Sagaer. Udgivet af Dr. phil. Vilh. la Cour. Gyldendals Bibliotek 6. Kbh. 1928—1930. 8vo. EDDA OG SAGA. Nationalmuseet 17. januar — 8. februar 1953. Kbh. 1953. 8vo. EHRHARDT, ALFRED. Island. 104 Aufnahmen. Einfiihrung von Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Dann- meyer. Hamburg 1939. 8vo. EINARSSON, STEFÁN. Á góðu dægri. Afmælis- kveðja til Sigurðar Nordals 14. Sept. 1951. Frá yngstu nemendum hans. ÍReykjavik), Helga- fell, (1951). Pp. 225. Reviewed. Nordisk Filo- logi. Tekster og læreböger til universitetsbrug. Udgivet under ledelse af Jón Helgason, Trygve Knudsen, Peter Skautrup, Elias Wessén. Serie A.: Tekster 1—8, 1950—1952. Reviewed. -— Scandinavian Studies, vol. 25, no. 3. 1953. 8vo. —■ Alternate Recital by Twos in Widsíþ (?), Sturl- unga and Kalevala. Sartryck av Arv, árg. 7. Uppsala och Sth. 1951. 8vo. — Anne Tjomsland. The Saga of Hrafn Svein- bjarnarson. The Life of an Tcelandic Physician of the Thirteenth Century. Translated with an Introduction and Notes. Islandica, vol. XXXV. Ithaca, N. Y.: Comell University Press, 1951. XXVIII -þ 65 pp. [Ritd.] ÍReprinted from
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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