Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1955, Síða 115
SON. Islands geologi og udnyttelse a£ vand-
kraft og jordvarme. — Det 6. nordiske elektro-
teknikermöde i Island, juli 1952. Rvík 1952. 4to.
KROSE, HERMANN A. Jón Svensson. Ein Le-
bensbild „Nonnis" dargestellt nach seinen
Tagebtichern. Freiburg 1949. 8vo.
KUHN, HANS. Die norwegiscben Spuren in der
Liederedda. — Acta Phil. Scand. XXII, 1,
[1953]. 8vo.
— Walter Baethe: Christliches Lehngut in der
Sagareligion. Das Svoldr-Problem. Berlin 1951.
[Ritdómur]. — Deutsche Literaturzeitung,
Jahrg. 74, H. 3, 1953. 4to.
tur og hornarbeider i Norge og pá Island ca.
500—1850. Oslo 1930. 8vo.
LANDSBANKI ÍSLANDS. The National Bank of
Iceland. Abstract of the state of affairs 1941.
[Rvík 1942]. 8vo.
LANGE, J. DE. The relation and developement of
English and Icelandic outlaw-traditions. Neder-
landsche bijdragen op het gebied van germaan-
sche philologie en linguistiek, VI. Haarlem
1935. 8vo.
LANZMANN, JACQUES. La glace est rompue.
Roman. Paris 1954. 8vo.
ILAXDÆLA SAGA]. De bewoners van het Dal der
Zalmrivier. Een ijslandsche saga. Vertaald uit
het oud-ijslandsch door Dr. J. van Ilam. Illu-
straties ... door W. F. Dupont. Sgravenhage
1943. 8vo.
Roman. Översáttning frán islandskan av Rann-
veig och Peter Hallberg. Originalets titel:
Atómstöðin. Omslag av Carl-Einar Borgström.
Sth. 1952. 8vo.
— Salka Valka. Översáttning av Ingegerd Nyberg-
Baldursson efter originalets andra upplaga. Om-
slag av Eric Palmquist. Sth. 1953. 8vo.
LEHMANN, W. P. and J. L. DILLARD. The al-
literations of the Edda. Texas 1954. 4to.
LINDBLAD, GUSTAF. Det islándska accent-
tecket. Lunds Univ. Ársskrift, N. F. I, bd. 48,
nr. 1. Lund 1952. 4to.
LINDROTH, IIJALMAR. Iceland. A land of con-
strasts. Translated from the Swedish by Adolph
B. Benson. N. Y. 1937. 8vo.
LUDWIG, WERNER. Untersuchungen iiher den
Entwicklungsgang und die Funktions des Dia-
logs in der islándischen Saga. Rheinische Bei-
tráge und Hiilfsbiicher zur germanischen Philo-
logie und Volkskunde. Band 23. [Drg.] Halle
(Saale) 1934. 8vo.
LUND, ENGEL. A first book of folk-songs. With
pianoforte accompaniments by Ferdinand
Rauter, and a foreword by Douglas Kennedy.
London 1936. 4to.
— A second book of folk-songs. With pianoforte
accompaniments by Ferdinand Rauter. English
translations by Ursula Wood. London 1947.
LÖVE, ÁSKELL. Allgemeine Pflanzenkaryologie,
von Professor Dr. Georg Tischler. 2. Hálfte:
Kernteilung und Konverschmelzung. Drei Lie-
ferungen. Berlin-Nikulassee: Naturwissen-
schaftlicher Verlag, 1951. [Ritd.] Bulletin of
the Torrey Botanical Club, vok 81, no. 1. 1954.
— Cytotaxonomy of the wheatgrasses. Prairie Re-
gional Committee of the N. R. C. Meetings in
Winnipeg, 1954. Manuscript. [Fjölr. 1954]. 4to.
— Subarctic polyploidy. Separat ur Hereditas
XXXIX. 1953. 8vo.
— and DORIS LÖVE. The geo-botanical signifi-
cance of polyploidy. Reprinted from the Pro-
ceedings of the Sixth International Grassland
Congress. Ál. 8vo.
------- Studies on Biyoxiphium. Reprinted without
change in paging from „The Bryologist", vol.
56, no. 3. 1953. 8vo.
— — Vegetation of a prairie marsh. Bulletin of the
Torrey Botanical Club, vol. 81, no. 1. 1954. 8vo.
LÖVE, DORIS. Cytotaxonomical remarks on the
Gentianaceae. Separat ur Hereditas XXXIX.
1953. 8vo.
— Tetraploid diæcious Melandrium. (Reprinted
from Nature, vol. 169). 1952. 8vo.
MALONE, KEMP. Islándisches etymologisches
Wörterbuch. By Alexander Jóhannesson. Fas-
cicle 1. Bern 1951. [Ritdómur]. Reprinted from
Language, voh 28, no. 4,1952. 4to.
— Long and short in Icelandic phonemics. Re-
printed from Language, vol. 20, no. 1, 1953. 4to.
•— The phonemes of modern Icelandic. Studies in
honor of Albert Morey Sturtevant. Lawrence,
Kan. 1952. 8vo.
-— Profiles of noted linguists: Rasmus Rask. —