Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1955, Síða 133

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1955, Síða 133
SKRÁ UM TÓNVERK SVEINBJÖRNS SVEINBJÖRNSSONAR List of Published Musical Compositions by Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson Vocal Solos. Set to Icelandic words 1. Sverrir konungur. Words by Grímur Thomsen. Translated into English. 2. Valagilsá. Words by Hannes Hafstein. 3. Sprettur. Words by Hannes Hafstein. 4. IslancL (Þú nafnkunna landið). Words by Bjarni Thorarensen. 5. Vetur. Words by Steingrímur Thorsteinsson. Translated into English & German. 6. Björt mey og hrein. Founded on an Icelandic folksong. Inscribed to the Icelanders in America. 7. Fáninn. Words by Einar Benediktsson. Vocal Solos. Set to Latin words 1. In Vernalis Temporis. (Foraarsang). Latin text by Morten Börup. Translated into Icelandic by Þorsteinn Gíslason. Translated into Dan- ish by Rektor H. Blache circa 1857. Vocal Solos. Set to English words 1. Miranda. Words by W. Falconer. 2. The IVindniill. 3. Up in the North. Words by Rev. Walter Smith D. D. 4. The Song of the Country. 5. The Fairies. Words by William Allingham. 6. The JVillow Song. Words by Mrs. Hemens. 7. Soldier Rest! Words by Sir Walter Scott. 8. The Soldier’s Dream. Words by T. Campbell. 9. The Fishers Call. Words by Rev. Win. Bruce, D. D. 10. IVhen the Boats come sailing in. Words by Mortimer Wheeler, M.A. 11. Serenade. Words by Longfellow. 12. Two sacred Songs. 1. Song of Songs. 2. Night’s Consolation. German text C. J. P. Spitta. Translated into English by George MacDo- nald. 13. The Cliallenge oj Thor. Words by Longfellow. 14. The Viking’s Grave. Words by John Reid, M.A. 15. The Yankee Girl. Words by Whittier. 16. Come to me. Words by Longfellow. 17. On Rippling Waters. 18. Echo. Words by Thomas Moore. Translated into Icelandic by Þorsteinn Gíslason. 19. The Troubadour. Translated from the French text by Sir Walter Scott. 20. The River’s Whisper. Words by Edward Oxen- ford. Translated into Icelandic by Þorsteinn Gíslason. 21. Trysting. Words by Dunkan Fraser. 22. The Lords oj the Main. Words by Pittendrigh MacGillivray. 23. War. Words by Pittendrigh MacGillivray. 24. Like a Lilac. Words by Francis Maurice Egan. 25. Winter Roses. Words by Francis Maurice Egan. 26. Two Spring Songs (Apple Blossoms; Green & Gold). Words by Francis Maurice Egan. Vocal Duets 1. Now is the Month of Maying. Lyric of Eliza- bethan Age. 2. In Pride of May. Elizabethan series. Volume Volume of 20 Icelandic Folksongs (arranged). Partsongs. Set to Icelandic words 1. 0, Guð vors lands. 1. For mixed voices. 2. For male voices. Words by Matthías Jochumsson. 2. Landnámssöngur Islands. For male voices. Words by Matthías Jochumsson. 3. Ingóljs minni. For male voices. Words by Matthías Jochumsson. 4. Island. 1. For mixed voices. 2. For male voices. Words by Jón Thoroddsen. Translated into English by Sv. Sveinbjörnsson. 5. Island. 1. For mixed voices. 2. For male voices. Words by Valtýr Guðmundsson.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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