Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1966, Qupperneq 78

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1966, Qupperneq 78
78 R 1 T Á ERLENDUM T U N G U M scripts in facsimile. [Ritd.] Sonderdruck aus Deutsche Literaturzeitung fiir Kritik der inter- nationalen Wissenschaft. Jahrgang 86, Heft 2. Berlin 1965. D. 115—117. 4to. — Die Wortbetonung im Islandischen. Separatum. Phonetica 10. Basel — New York 1963. Bls. 213 —221. 8vo. BIBLIOGRAPIIY OF OLD NORSE-ICELANDIC STUDIES 1964. [2] Edited by Hans Bekker- Nielsen and Thorkil Damsgaard Olsen. Asso- ciate editors: Halldór Ilalldórsson. Ludvig Holm-Olsen. Dag Strömbáck. Palle Birkelund. Mogens Ilaugsted. Chr. Westergárd-Nielsen. Ole Widding. Kbh. 1965. 71, (1) bls. 8vo. BIBLIOTHECA ARNAMAGNÆANA. Vol. XXVI. Svend Ellehpj: Studier over den ældste norrpne historieskrivning. Kbh. 1965. 326 bls., 1 tfl. 4to. BJARNAR, VILHJÁLMUR. The Laki eruption and the famine of the mi st. Reprinted from Scandinavian Studies, 1965 (1), 410.—421. bls. 8vo. BJÖRKMAN, STAFFAN. Myntir íslands. Islands mynt — Icelandic coins. English texts revised hy E. J. I. Björkman. 1836. 1922—1963. Sth. 1965. (2), 16, (1) bls. 8vo. BOLAND, CHARLES MICHAEL. They all dis- covered America. Maps and drawings by the author. N. Y. 1961. XV, (1), 384 bls., 8 mbl. 8vo. BOOKS FROM ICELAND. Frankfurt Book Fair. Rvík 1964. 20 bls. 8vo. CAMPBELL, MARION. Young Hugh. A year with the Norsemen. With drawings by Douglas Relf. London 1965. 171 his. 8vo. CLARK, AUSTIN II. Iceland and Greenland. Smithsonian Institution. War Background Stu- dies. Nurnber fifteen. Wash. 1943. IV, 103 bls., 11 mbl. 8vo. CONSTJTUTJON of the RepubJic of Iceland, The. Third printing. Rvík 1964. 22 bls. 8vo. CUSTOMS TARIFF OF ICELAND, THE, 1963. The translation of the Icelandic text is super- vised hy Hermann Jónsson of the Customs Off- ice in Reykjavik. Rvík 1964. VIII, 159 bls. 8vo. — Amendment to ... Rvík 1964. (1), 13 bls. 8vo. DJPLOMATIC LIST and List of Honorary Consuls in Iceland. April 1964. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Rvík 1964. 54 hls. 8vo. -----October 1964. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Rvík 1964. 56 bls. 8vo. DONOVAN, FRANK R. The Vikings. By the edi- tors of Horizon Magazine. In consultation with Sir Thomas D. Kendrick. Illustrated with draw- ings, illuminations, carvings, and maps, many of the period. A Cassel Caravel Book, 11. London 1965. 153 bls. 4to. DUMÉZIL, GEORGES. Aspekte der Kriegerfunk- tion hei den Indogermanen. Darmstadt 1964. XI, 118 bls. 8vo. — Les dieux des Germains. Essai sur la formation de Ja religion scandinave. Mythes et religions. Collection dirigée par P.-L. Couchoud. Paris 1959. (4), 128, (2) bls. 8vo. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS in Denmark, Iceland, Norway. OEEC 1954. Paris 1954. 37. (3) bls. 8vo. — in Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. OEEC 1953. Paris 1953. 46, (2) bls. 8vo. -----OEEC 1955. Paris 1955. 46, (2) bls. 8vo. -----OEEC 1956. Paris 1956. 37, (3) bls. 8vo. ECONOMIC SURVEYS by the OECD. Iceland. Paris 1965. (2), 31, (1) bls. 8vo. EDELSTEIN, WOLFGANG. Eruditio und sapien- tia. WeJtbild und Erzieliung in der Karolinger- zeit. Untersuchungen zu Alcuins Briefen. Frei- burg im Breisgau 1965. 278 bls. 8vo. EDITIONES ARNAMAGNÆANÆ. Series B, vol. 14. Islenzk fornkvæði. Islandske folkeviser. Ud- givet af Jón Helgason. V. Khh. 1965. LXII, 223, (1) bls. 8vo. — Series B, vol. 19. Erex saga Artúskappa. Edited by Foster W. Blaisdell. Kbh. 1965. LVII, 109, (1) bls. 8vo. — Series B, vol. 24. Late medieval Icelandic rom- ances. V. Nitida saga. Sigrgarðs saga frækna. Sigrgarðs saga ok Valbrands. Sigurðar saga turnara. Hrings saga ok Tryggva. Edited by Agnete Loth. Kbh. 1965. XII, 242 hls. 8vo. [EGILS SAGA]. Egilssoga. Omsett av Leiv Hegg- stad. 7. utgáva. Revidert av Magne Heggstad. Orion-bpkene 43. OsJo 1965. 221, (2) bls. 8vo. EINARSSON, ARMANN KR. Jon og Loa. Bear- bejdet af Poul Bo Christensen. L. M.’s lette læsehæfter 11. Kbh. 1964. 46 bls. 8vo. EINARSSON, STEFÁN. Harp song heroic poetry (Chadwicks) Greek and Germanic alternate
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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