Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1966, Side 83
Geschichts- und Heimatblatter, 21. Jahrgang,
Nr. 2, 1965. [Úrtak]. Bls. 227—232. 8vo.
POLYGLOTT. Sprachfiihrer. Islándisch. Bear-
beiter: Árni Björnsson. Köln-Marienburg 1965.
32, (1) bls. 8vo.
RAFORKUMÁLASTJÓRI. Vatnamælingar. Stat-
ens elektrisitetsvesen. Hydrologisk avdeling. Is-
land. Den 4. nordiske hydrologkonferance,
Reykjavík 10.—15. august 1964. Bind 1—2.
I Fjölr.J Rvík 1965. 4to.
REYKJAVIK TODAY. 34 colour photos. Text:
Valdimar Kristinsson. English translation:
Alan Boucher. Drawings and layout: Torfi
Jónsson. Rvík [1965]. (20) bls. Grbr.
RUTH, ROY II. The Vinland voyages. The Ice-
landers discover America and write the first
Canadian history. Wpg 1965. 111 bls. 8vo.
tion of Iceland Co-operative Societies. Annual
report 1963. (62nd year). Rvík [1964]. 15, (1)
bls. 8vo.
SAMVINNUTRYGGINGAR. Líftryggingafélagið
Andvaka. Statements of accounts 1963. Rvík
[1964]. (12) bls. 8vo.
SCANDINAVIAN STUDIES. Essays presented to
Dr. Henry Goddard Leach on the occasion of
his eighty-fifth birthday. Edited by Carl F.
Bayerschmidt and Erik J. Friis. Seattle 1965.
VII, (3), 458 bls., 1 mbl. 8vo.
SCHACH, PAUL. A guide to the study of Old
Norse literature. Compiled by * * * [Fjölr.]
University of Nebraska [1964]. (1), 63 bls. 4to.
— An unpublished leaf of Tristrams saga: AM
567 quarto, XII, 2L Reprinted from: Research
Studies; 32: 2, 1964. 50.—62. bls., 1 rnbl.
— Review: The Saga of Gisli. Reprinted from
Scandinavian Studies. Vol. 36, no. 2, 1964. (1),
152.—154. bls. 8vo.
■— Reviews: A. Margaret Arent. The Laxdoela
Saga. — Gwyn Jones. The Norse Atlantic Saga.
-— Pierre Halleux. Aspects littérairies de la
Saga de Hrafnkel. Reprinted from Scandina-
vian Studies. Vol. 36, no. 4, 1964. (1), 330.—
336. bls. 8vo.
— Tristan and Isolde in Scandinavian ballad and
folktale. Reprinted from Scandinavian Studies.
Vol. 36, no. 4, 1964. (1), 281,—297. bls. 8vo.
tiimlichen und jiingern Merkmale der Laxdoela
Saga. [Drg.] Luzern 1945. 125 bls. 8vo.
SCHLENKER, HERMANN. Island—Vogelland.
Mit einem Begleittext von Broddi Johannesson.
LRvík 1965. Pr. í Þýzkalandi]. 64, (1) bls. 4to.
— Wings over Iceland. Text by Broddi Johannes-
son. Translated hy Peter Kidson. [Rvík 1965.
Pr. í Þýzkalandi]. 64, (1) bls. 4to.
SCHOLARSHIPS in Icelandic studies, available
to foreign students from the Ministry of Cul-
ture and Education in Iceland. Rvík 1964. 8
bls. 8vo.
SCHWARZBACH, MARTIN. Geologenfahrten in
Island. 2. erweiterte Auflage. Mit 62 Abbild-
ungen und 1 Karte. Ludwigsburg 1964. 91, (1)
bls. 8vo.
SCOTT, C. F. Libraries in Iceland. Reprinted
from The Library Association Record, vol. 67,
no. 12. 1965. Bls. 423-^33. 8vo.
SCOVAZZI, MARCO. II diritto islandese nella
Landnámabók. Milano 1961. (3), 238 bls. 8vo.
— La Saga di Hrafnkell e il problema delle saghe
islandesi. Paideia. Milano 1960. 299, (3) bls.
SCRIPTA ISLANDICA. Islándska sállskapets árs-
bok 15, 1964. Uppsala och Sth. 1965. (2), 102,
(1) bls. 8vo.
SEÐLABANKI ÍSLANDS. Central Bank of Ice-
land. Annual report 1963. Rvík 1964. 43, (3)
bls. 4to.
SEE, KLAUS VON. Altnordische Rechtswörter.
Philologische Studien zur Rechtsauffassung
und Rechtsgesinnung der Germanen. [Drg.]
Hermaea. Germanistische Forschungen. Neue
Folge. Band 16. Tiibingen 1964. VII, (1), 263
bls. 8vo.
Veðurstofa íslands, Reykjavík. [Fjölr.] Rvík
1964. 26; 17; 26 bls. 4to.
SIMPSON, JACQUELINE. The Northmen talk.
A choice of tales from Iceland. Translated and
with introduction by * * * Foreword by Eric
Linklater. London 1965. XXIX, 290 bls. 8vo.
GEORGE D. PAINTER. The Vinland Map
and the Tartar Relation. With a foreword by
Alexander O. Vietor. New Haven and London
1965. XII, 291 bls., 25 mbl., 1 uppdr. 4to.
SNORRI STURLUSON. Kongaspgur. Heims-