Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1972, Síða 118

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1972, Síða 118
118 RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM CIETY. Expedition to Iceland 1970. [Fjölr. Durham 1970]. 43 bls., 1 mbl., 5 uppdr., 6 tfl. 4to. DÚWEL, KLAUS. Runenkunde. Stuttgart 1968. XIV, 124 bls. 8vo. EARLY ICELANDIC MANUSCRIPTS IN EAC- SIMILE. Ninth volume. Skálholtsbók eldri. Jónsbók etc. AM 351 fol. Edited by Chr. Westergárd-Nielsen. Kbh. 1971. 61, (1) bls., 141 mbl. Fol. ECONOMIC SURVEYS, OECD. Iceland. Paris 1971. 47 bls. 8vo . EGIL’S SAGA. Translated from the Old Icelandic with introduction and notes by Gwyn Jones. New York 1960. viii, 257 bls., 2 uppdr. 8vo. EINARSSON, BJARNI. Litterære forudsætninger for Egils saga. [Fjölr. Drg.] Oslo 1971. 235 bls. 4to. EINARSSON, ERLENDUR. „Such is the Stock From which I spring“. Plautus. [Rvík 1970]. (8) bls. 8vo. EINARSSON, KARL. Faldiblað MS4. Myndir og örindi. Kbh. ál. 8 bls. 8vo. EINARSSON, THORLEIFUR [ÞORLEIFUR]. Askja-Ausbruch 1961 und Askja-Caldera in Island. Sonderdruck aus Naturwissenschaft- liche Rundschau Band 16, Heft 8. Stuttgart 1963. BIs. 302-306. 4to. — Pollen-analytical studies on the vegetation and climate history of Iceland in late and post- glacial times. Reprinted from „North Atlantic Biota and their History". Oxford 1963. Bls. 355-365, 1 tfl. 8vo. — The Surtsey eruption off South Iceland. [Rvík] ál. (8) bls. 8vo. — Zu der Ausdehnung der weichselzeitlichen Vereisung Nordislands. Sonderveröff. Geol. Inst. Univ. Köln 13. Köln 1967. BIs. 167-173. 8vo. EYLANDS, ÁRNI G. Den gang sauetallen var brensel. Særtrykk „Frá bygd og by i Rogaland 1971“. Bryne 1971. 11 bls. 8vo. — Historikaren Sturla Tordarson og kong Magn- us. [Urtak úr Rogalands historie og ættesoge- lags Árbok. Stavanger 1971]. Bls. 27-50. 8vo. FALKIRK, RICHARD. The chill factor. New York 1971. 232 bls. 8vo. FORSCHUNGSSCHIFF „METEOR". Der deut- schen Forschungsgemeinschaft und des deut- schen hydrographischen Instituts Fahrt Nr. 20, 21. April - 30. Juli 1970. Berichte iiber die wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten. [Fjölr. IJamburg] 1970. 52 bls. 8vo. FRIÐRIKSDÓTTIR, EIRÍKA A. Private con- sumption in Iceland. [Fjölr. Ilvík] 1970. 8 bls., 28 tfl. 4to. FRIÐRIKSSON, STURLA. Problemeine ved op- retholdelsen af luiproduktion pá varige græs- marker ved islandske forhold. Særtryk af Nor- disk Jordbrugsforskning, árgang 48. [Kbh.] ál. 6 bls. 8vo. — Proteinindbold i nogle islandske græsarter. Sartryck ur Nordisk Jordbrugsforskning Ár- gang 40. Sl. 1958. Bls. 111-117. 8vo. — Records of Drifted Plant Parts on Surtsey in 1968. Reprint of Surtsey Research Progress Report V. 1970. [Rvík 1970]. 3 bls. 4to. — The Colonization of Vascular Plants on Surtsey in 1968. Reprint of Surtsey Research Progress Report V. 1970. [Rvík 1970]. 5 bls. 4to. — The vascular flora of the Outer Westman Is- lands. Reprinted from Greinar IV, 3. Rvík 1967. Bls. 37-67, 2 mbl. 8vo. — S. H. RICHTER and A. H. BJARNASON. Pre- liminary Studies of the Vegetation of the Southern Coast of Iceland. Reprint of Surtsey Research Progress Report V. 1970. [Rvík 1970]. 10 bls. 4to. FRIEDMAN, JULES D. and RICHARD S. WILLIAMS, Jr. Comparison of 1968 and 1966 Infrared Imagery of Surtsey. Reprint of Surtsey Research Progress Report V. 1970. [Rvík 1970]. 5 bls. 4to. GAMAL NORSK HOMILIEBOK. Cod. AM 619 4°. Ved Gustav Indreb0. [Ljóspr. Frumútg. 1931]. Oslo 1966. 171 bls. 8vo. GARDAR. I—II. Ársbok för Samfundet Sverige-Is- land i Lund-Malmö. Lund 1970-1971. 32, 42, (2) bls. 8vo. GEIPEL, JOHN. The Viking legacy. The Scandin- avian influence on the English and Gaelic languages. London 1971. 225 bls., 2 mbl. 8vo. [GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS]. Giraldi Cam- brensis Opera. Edited by James F. Dimock. Vo]. V. [Ljóspr. Frumútg. 1867]. Wiesbaden 1964. cvi, [2], 460 bls. 8vo. [GÍSLA SAGA SÚRSSONARL Soga om Gisle Sursson. Skoleutgáve ved 0ystein Frpysadal.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands

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