

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2005, Síða 30

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2005, Síða 30
N áttúru f ræðingurinn wings. It is noteworthy, however, that we have found unusually large samaras within three different species (Table 1), belonging to three different genera: elm (Ulmus), wing-nut (Pterocarya), and maple (Acer). AU the spedes produced extremely large samaras during the Late Tertiary in Iceland compared to modem as well as fossil species of related types. The elm samara is approximately 40 mm long, with the nutlet placed in the middle and a conspicuous notch at top. When compared to modern elm species that produce large samaras (Table 2), 15-25 mm in length, it is obvious that the Icelandic Miocene elm is considerably larger. The only samaras really compara- ble to its size and form is U. glabra found in north and central Europe and Asia Minor, and U. macrocarpa found native only in China. The nutlet of the late Miocene Pterocarya samara from Iceland measures 11 mm in diameter and its wingspan is close to 60 mm. Only one modem species is comparable (Table 3), P. macroptera native to China. The form of the nutlet is similar and some speci- mens of P. macroptera even show the rhombic-shaped wings distinctive for the Icelandic Miocene type. Maple sama- ras, Acer askelssonii, that have been found quite frequently in Icelandic Late Miocene sediments, are also relatively large compared to both modem and fos- sil species. Samaras of A. askelssonii mea- sure 50-90 mm in length, and the length of the nutlet is at least 10-35 mm (Table 4). The relation of length of nutlet to length of wing is even more than 1:3 and most often around 1:2. The nutlets are always more than one-third of the length of the wing, usually around the half of it. A. askelssonii is most comparable in size to samaras of the modem maple species A. saccharinum, and in form to samaras of the fossil species A. whitebirdense, both found in North-America. Although Tertiary plant fossils from Iceland range in age from 15 to 6 Ma (from Middle to Late Miocene), these large samaras are only found in sedi- ments that are 12 Ma or younger. The fact that this large size is observed in at least three different genera indicates a wide-scale reaction to environmental factors. They were probably spurred by competition between the plants for bet- ter possibilities to survive, especially for their offspring on the dark forest floor of the Late Miocene. If the composition of the 9-8 Ma old flora from Mókollsdalur is taken into consideration, it becomes clear that most of the species found there produce wind-distributed seeds (sama- ras). During this geological timespan the distribution of plants in Iceland was mainly by wind that carried winged fmits or seeds to new habitats. There seems to be a rather strong relation between the seed size within each species and the amount of imposed stress or competition, which stimulates the most competing species to produce the largest seeds. Nutrition stored in the seed helps the plant through its early growth stages in new habitats, where the plant can grow independently without supply of nutrition from the mother plant. Large seeds are generally typical for closed environments and are consid- ered to have some advantage in harsh conditions, such as insufficient light, heavy leaf fall or droughts. This is con- sidered to be the main reason for the development of large fruits or seeds. It is reasonable to conclude that competition and fight for survival for the next gener- ation was rather hard in Iceland during the Late Tertiary, as indicated by the unusually large samaras. In Iceland, the broadleaved forest grew mainly in val- leys with high ground-water stand out- side the active volcanic zone, where vol- canic activity was limited. Thick decidu- ous forests occupied these areas with dark floors where light seldom escaped through the canopies, and the juvenile plants had severe growth conditions. In this fight for survival, plants producing small fruits and seeds will have been at a disadvantage compared to plants that were stimulated by natural selection to produce larger fruits and seeds. This process produced fruits or seeds of unusual size, as seen in the Icelandic Late Miocene flora. The enlargement of seeds and wings within the three differ- ent genera in Iceland during the Late Miocene must be considered as a response to these environmental factors. Þakkir Rannsóknarnámssjóði er þakkað fyrir fjárhagslegan stuðning við Friðgeir Grímsson, sem nú er í doktorsnámi í Háskóla íslands. Náttúrufræðistofnun íslands er einnig þakkað fyrir aðgang að steingervingasöfnum stofnunarinnar. Síðast en ekki síst er Snorra Gíslasyni jarðfræðingi þökkuð margvísleg hjálp við útivinnu jafnt sem tölvuvinnu. Heimildir 1. Eggert Ólafsson 1772. Vice-Lavmand Eggert Olafsens og Land-Physici Biarne Povelsens Reise igiennem Island, foranstaltet af Videnskabernes Sælskab i Kiobenhavn, 1-2. Videnskabernes Sælskab, Soro. 1126 bls. 2. Henderson, E. 1818. Iceland; or the journal of a residence in that island, during the years 1814 and 1815, 1-2. Oliphant, Waugh & Innes, Edinburgh. 377 & 412 bls. 3. Heer, O. 1868. Flora fossilis arctica 1. Die Fossile Flora der Polarlánder entháltend die in Nordgrönland, auf der Melville-Insel, im Banksland, am Mackenzie, in Island und in Spitzbergen endeckten fossilen Pflanzen. Friedrich Schulthess, Zúrich. 192 bls. 4. Jóhannes Áskelsson 1961. Um íslenska steingervinga. í: Náttúra íslands, 1. útg. (ritstj. Sigurður Þórarinsson). Almenna bókafélagið, Reykjavík. Bls. 47-63. 5. Friðgeir Grímsson 2002. The Hreðavatn Member of the Hreðavatn - Stafholt Formation and its fossil flora. Óbirt kandídatsritgerð. Háskólinn í Kaupmannahöfn. 219 bls. 6. Friedrich, W.L., Leifur A. Símonarson & Heie, O.E. 1972. Stein- gervingar í millilögum í Mókollsdal. Náttúrufræðingurinn 42 (1-2). 4-17. 7. Friedrich, W.L. & Leifur A. Símonarson 1976. Acer askelssoni n. sp., groBe neogene Teilfrúchte aus Island. Palaeontographica 155 B, 140-148. 8. Leifur A. Símonarson & Friedrich, W.L. 1983. Hlynblöð og hlynaldin í íslenskum jarðlögum. Náttúrufræðingurinn 52 (1-4). 156-174. 9. Friðgeir Grímsson 1999. Þrimilsdalur: „Forn flóra í fögrum dal". Óbirt BS- ritgerð. Háskóli íslands, Reykjavík. 37 bls. 10. Dilcher, D.L. 1974. Approaches to the identification of angiosperm Ieaf remains. The Botanical Review 40 (1). 1-157. 11. Wolfe, J.A. & Tanai, T. 1987. Systematics, phylogeny, and distribution of Accr (maples) in the Cenozoic of Western North America. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University 22 (1). 1-246. 12. Akhmetiev, M.A, Bratseva, G.M., Giterman, R.E., Golubeva, L.V. & Moiseyeva, A.I. 1978. Stratigrafiya i flora pozdnego Kainozoa Islandii [Late Cenozoic stratigraphy and flora of Iceland]. Trudy Geo- logischeskogo Instituta, Academia Nauk SSSR 316.1-188 (á rússnesku). 13. Friedrich, W.L. & Leifur A. Símonarson 1982. Acer-Funde aus dem Neogene von Island und ihre stratigraphische Stellung. Palaeonto- graphica 182 B. 151-166. 28



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