

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1985, Page 24

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1985, Page 24
sem náttúruvalið verki á sambýlið í heild sinni — en allir einstaklingar sambýlis eru af sömu arfgerð (gena- týpu), þar sem þeir eru myndaðir kyn- laust af sama einstaklingi í upphafi (úr blasta eða lirfu) — sé allur valþrýsting- ur fljótur að segja til sín. Ef til vill gæti F. sultana svarað slíkri samkeppni frá P. repens á þennan hátt. Skýringarinn- ar á því að báðar tegundirnar dafna jafn vel og raun ber vitni sé því að leita í árangursríkari framleiðslu lirfa F. sultana, sem vegi upp að einhverju leyti dreifingarhæfni og lirfufram- leiðslu P. repens. HEIMILDIR Barnes, R.D. 1980. Invertebrate Zoo- logy., 4. útgáfa. - Sounders College, Philadelphia: 1089 bls. Brown, C.J.D. 1933. A limnological study of certain fresh-water Polyzoa with spe- cial reference to their statoblasts. — Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 52: 271—316. Bushnell, J.H. 1966. Environmental rela- tions of Michigan ectoprocta, and dyna- mics of natural populations of Plu- matella repens. — Ecol. Monogr. 36: 95-123. Bushnell, J.H. & Rao, K.S. 1974. Dor- mant or quiescent stages and structures among the ectoprocta: Physical and chemical factors affecting viability and germination of statoblasts. — Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 93(4): 524—543. Fjeldsá, J. & Raddum, G.G. 1973. Þrjú ný vatnadýr á íslandi. - Náttúrufr. 43: 103-113. Heding, S.G. 1938. Freshwater Bryozoa. - Zool. Icel. 4(66b): 3 bls. Hyman, L.H. 1959. The Invertebrates: Smaller Coelomate Groups. Vol. 5. — McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York: 783 bls. Lacourt, A.W. 1968. A monograph of the freshwater Bryozoa — Phylacto- laemata. — Zool. Verh. Leiden 93: 1— 159. Lindegaard, C. 1979. A survey of the macroinvertebrate fauna, with special reference to Chironomidae (Diptera) in the rivers Laxá and Kraká, northern Iceland. — Oikos 32: 281—288. Marcus, E. 1940. Mosdyr. - Danmarks fauna. G.E.C. Gads forlag, Kaup- mannahöfn: 401 bls. Mundy, S.P. 1980. A key to the British and European freshwater Bryozoans. - Freshw. Biol. Ass., Sci. Publ. 41: 1- 31. Ryland, J.S. 1970. Bryozoans. — Hutch- inson, London: 175 bls. Thorpe, J.P. 1979. A model using deter- ministic equations to describe some possible parameters affecting growth rate and fecundity in Bryozoa. — Syst. Ass. Spec. 13: 113-120. Woollacott, R.M. & Zimmer, R.L. (ritstj.) 1977. Biology of Bryozoans. - Academic Press, New York: 566 bls. SUMMARY Aspects of the life-cycles of Fredericella sultana and Plumatella repens (Bryozoa : Phylactolaemata) in the lake Urriðakotsvatn south-west Iceland by Sigmar Arnar Steingrímsson Marine Research Institute Skúlagata 4 121 Reykjavík A brief account on the general biology of Bryozoans is given and the life-cycles of Fredericella sultana (Blumenbach) and Plumatella repens (Linnaeus) in the lake Urriðakotsvatn south-west Iceland is described (Fig. 1). The study was made in April to September 1981. Germination of statoblasts of F. sultana started soon after the ice had melted in early April (temperature range 3 to 8°C. 70



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