

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1968, Page 66

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1968, Page 66
112 NÁTTÚRUFRÆÐINGURINN hallanum suður af George’s Bank út frá Nova Scotia og New Eng- land, þar sem Ameríkuhumarinn heldur sig á meira dýpi eða 50— 400 föðmum. Er hann veiddur eitthvað í botnvörpu á þeim slóð- um. Útbreiðsla tegundarinnar er meðfram austurströnd Norður- Ameríku frá Norður-Carolina að Labrador. Engum getum skal að því leitt, Iivort tegundin hefur horizt hingað til lands af náttúr- unnar eða manna völdum. HEIMILDARIT - REFERENCES Herrick, F. H. 1895. The Arnerican lobster. Bull. U. S. Fish. Gomm. McLeese, I). W. and Wilder, 1). G. 1964. Lobster storage and shipment. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. of Canada no. 147 SUMMARY Lobster found in Icelandic Waters by Unnur Skúladóttir A new species, Homarus americanus o£ the family nephropsidae, was found in May 1965. The lobster was caught by a nepliropstrawl at the depth ot 82— 86 fathoms, 4—6 miles SSW off Eldey, i.e. south west of Iceland. The speci- men was a male measuring 39 cm from rostrum to telson, colour greenish black. Another specimen (female) was brought to our institute some years ago. The position was somewhere off the west coast.



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