Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2008, Page 86

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2008, Page 86
86 FAGLEGT S JÁ LFSTRAUST GRUNNSKÓLAKENNARA ÞaKKir Rannsóknin var styrkt af Rannsóknarsjóði Háskólans á Akureyri og skólanefnd við- komandi sveitarfélags. Er þeim þakkaður stuðningur við verkefnið. Þátttakendum í rannsókninni er þakkað framlag þeirra, svo og þeim sem lögðu sitt af mörkum við undirbúning spurninga. Gunnari frímannssyni verkefnastjóra er þakkað fyrir aðstoð við tölfræðiúrvinnslu og góðar ábendingar. Valgerður Magnúsdóttir er sjálfstætt starfandi sálfræðingur í Reykjavík. Anna Þóra Baldursdóttir er lektor við kennaradeild Háskólans á Akureyri. abstract This article deals with teacher efficacy and its effects on work performance and professional development. The study used an American questionnaire to measure teacher efficacy in classroom management, instruction and student engagement. A model of the research hypothesis is introduced, about the relationship of teacher efficacy with other variables under investigation, i.e. burnout, organizational variables and demographic variables. The results on teacher efficacy are similar to those of the developers’ of the questionnaire, and therefore it seems to be a useful tool for the Icelandic elementary school community. A strong correlation was found between all factors of teacher efficacy and burnout. Some of the organizational variables had an effect both on teacher efficacy and burnout, some on one of them, others not at all. The demographic variables showed no significant correlation with other variables in the study.


Uppeldi og menntun

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