Árbók VFÍ/TFÍ - 01.01.1996, Blaðsíða 198
196 Árbók VFÍ/TFÍ 1994/95
3 Síu-skilyrði tengd vegaframkvæmdum
Eins og fram kemur í kafla 2 þá gætu dæmigerð síu-skiiyrði vegna vegaframkvæmda verið
byggð á lengd vegarins, efnismagni, kostnaði og tegund umhverfis.
Helgi Jóhannesson (1995) tók saman yfirlit yfir síu-skilyrði, tengd vegaframkvæmdum,
eins og þau eru skilgreind hjá Evrópubandalaginu (EEC Directive 85/337 frá 1985), í tillögu
að breyttum síu-skilyrðum hjá Evrópubandalaginu frá 1994 og í reglugerðum frá Bretlandi,
Noregi, Danmörku og íslandi. Helstu atriði þeirra eru eftirfarandi:
An EIA is needed for the construction of motorways and express roads.
An EIA is needed for the construction of other roads where Member States consider that their cliar-
acteristics so require.
An EIA is needed for the construction of motorways and express roads.
An EIA is needed for the construction and upgrading of other roads (widening and alternative
routes) where they are liable to have a significant effect on the special protection areas designated
by Member States pursuant to Community law.
In all other cases, the construction and upgrading of other roads (widening and alternative routes)
shall be examined by the competent authority to determine, on the basis of thresholds set, where
appropriate, by Member States and of the selection criteria laid down in Annex Ila, whether their
probable environmental impact necessitates assessment.
An EIA is required for the construction or major improvements of all new motorways and for the
construction or inajor improvements of roads which are over 10 km in length or which are longer
than I km where the route passes through or within 100 m of a sensitive area, i.e.:
i a national park;
ii a site of special scientific interest;
iii a conservation area;
iv a national nature reserve; or
v an urban area (where 1,500 or more dwellings lie within 100 m of the centre line of the pro-
posed road).
The proposer of a road project (the developer) shall send notification as early as possible in the
preparation of road or railway construction requiring investments of over NOK 200 million over
periods of eight years or less.
The Ministry can also require notification in particular instances if the nature, extent or significance
of the impact is believed to be particularly serious or uncertain, or if there is niajor disagreement
over the possible impact on the environment, natural resources or the community.
Forslag til nyanlæg, eller væsentlige ændringer, af de nedenstáende veje skal inneholde en særlig
vurdering af anlæggets virknig pá miljpet:
Anlæg af motorveje, motortrafikveje samt nyanlæg al' jernbaner til Ijerntrafik.
Veje med en ársdpgnstrafik pá mere end 10.000 kpretqjer samt overordnede veje med en pátænkt
liniefpring gennem omráder, der i en endeligt vedtaget regionplan er udlagt til naturomrádcr.
Lagning nýrra vega, járnbrauta og flugvalla eru ávallt matsskyldar framkvæmdir samkvæmt 5. grein
laga um mat á umhverfisáhrifum.