Læknablaðið - 15.10.1999, Blaðsíða 12
Algengi skýs á augasteini hjá
(slendingum 50 ára og eldri
Ársæll Arnarsson, Friðbert Jónasson, Vésteinn Jónsson, Hiroshi Sasaki, Einar Stefánsson, Gyða
Bjarnadóttir, Þórir Harðarson, Auður Bjarnadóttir, Kazuyuki Sasaki og íslensk-japanski
Arnarsson Á, Jónasson F, Jónsson V, Sasaki H,
Stefánsson E, Bjarnadóttir G, Harðarson Þ,
Bjarnadóttir A, Sasaki K, Iceland Japan co-
working study groups
Age and sex specifíc prevalence of lens opacifica-
tions in Iceland
Læknablaðið 1999; 85: 778-86
Objectives: Cataract is one of the most common
causes for blindness in the world, though not in Ice-
land due to availability of cataract surgery. The aim
of this study was to establish the age and sex specific
prevalence of lens opacification and its severity in
Material and methods: One thousand seven
hundred citizens of Reykjavik 50 years and older
were randomly selected from the national population
census and offered to participate in an extensive eye
study. The lenses were examined on the slit-lamp
microscope by two experienced ophthalmologists.
Three types of lens opacification were considered
separately namely cortical, nuclear and posterior
subcapsular and graded according to severity using
the World Health Organisation protocol. Of those
randomized 68.2% of persons aged 50-79 attended
and 35.8% of those 80 years and older. A total of
1045 persons; 461 males and 584 females, were
Results: The percentage of persons with clear lenses
decreased rapidly with increasing age. Of subjects
age 50-59 years 45% had clear lenses, 24% of those
60-69 years and 6% of persons 70-79 year old. No
subject 80 years or older was found to have a clear
Frá læknadeild Háskóla islands, Kanasawa Medical Uni-
versity, Japan. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Friðbert Jónasson,
augndeild Landspítalans, 101 Reykjavík. Netfang: augnd@
Lykilorð: augasteinn, skýmyndun.
lens. Concurrent with this increase in the prevalence,
there was an increase in severity of lens opacifica-
tion. Opacification of the cortex was most common
or 67%. There was a strong correlation between opa-
cification in one eye and opacification in the
contralateral eye or 84%.
Conclusions: Lens opacification is an age-related
phenomenon. Early cortical opacification is common
after the age of 50 years and vision-disturbing cata-
ract is common in persons older than 70 years. In
coming years considerable increase in cataract sur-
gery may be expected because of increase in the
population 70 years and older.
Key words: lens opacification, nuclear, cortical, subcap-
Tilgangur: Ský á augasteini (cataract) er al-
gengur sjtákdómur og ein helsta ástæða blindu í
heiminum, einkum í þróunarlöndum. Tilgangur
rannsóknarinnar var að kanna algengi, aldurs-
og kyndreifingu skýjunar á augasteini.
Efniviður og aðferðir: Sautján hundruð
Reykvíkingar 50 ára og eldri voru valdir með
slembiúrtaki úr þjóðskrá og boðið að taka þátt í
yfirgripsmikilli augnrannsókn. Eitt þúsund
fjörutíu og fimm einstaklingar, 461 karl og 584
konur mættu til skoðunar. Það voru 68,2%
slembiúrtaksins 50-79 ára og 35,8% slembiúr-
taksins 80 ára og eldri. Augasteinar voru skoð-
aðir með raufarsmásjá af tveimur reyndum
augnlæknum og skýjun flokkuð eftir tegund-
um, það er staðsetningu í berki, kjama eða aft-
urhýði. Einnig var flokkað eftir því á hve háu
stigi sjúkdómurinn var, samkvæmt flokkunar-
kerfi Alþjóðaheilbrigðisstofnunarinnar.
Niðurstöður: Hlutfall þeirra sem höfðu tær-
an augastein fór ört lækkandi með vaxandi
aldri; í aldurshópnum 50-59 ára voru 45% með