Fréttablaðið - 09.08.2014, Síða 55

Fréttablaðið - 09.08.2014, Síða 55
| ATVINNA | Óskum eftir vönum rafvirkjum og öflugum aðstoðarmönnum Umsóknir ásamt helstu upplýsingum sendist á Rafholt ehf. er framsækið fyrirtæki sem starfar á útboðsmarkaði og í þjónustu við fyrirtæki og stofnanir.Boðið er upp á mjög góða aðstöðu fyrir starfsmenn. Öflugt starfsmannafélag er starfrækt hjá fyrirtækinu. Íþróttakennara vantar á Vopnafjörð Vopnafjarðarskóli auglýsir eftir íþróttakennara fyrir næsta skólaár. Skólinn leggur áherslu á íþróttakennslu með fleiri íþróttatímum en ætlast er til og er heilsueflandi skóli. Þá vantar umsjónarmann með félagsstarfi unglinga og kennara í almenna kennslu. Upplýsingar hjá skólastjóra í síma 861-4256 WE IMPROVE PEOPLE’S MOBILITY Do you want to join us? Össur is a global leader in non-invasive orthopedics, focused on delivering innovative solutions in the prosthetics, osteoarthritis and injury solutions market. Össur has 2300 employees across the globe. The corporate values are; Honesty, Frugality and Courage. WWW.OSSUR.COM FOLLOW ÖSSUR ON GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGER Össur hf. is looking for an ambitious and entrepreneurial individual to join our team as a global product manager with focus on business development. This global product manager will have the overall responsibility for strategically managing one of our product lines with the aim of growing profitable market share while also further developing the business. Responsibilities: • Strategically manage product portfolio • Identify and implement new business opportunities related to neurovascular diseases • Develop product positioning and manage the product lifecycle • Successfully launch new products to the market • Create and drive global marketing strategy in cooperation with global business units Qualifications: • Honesty, Frugality and Courage • Master’s level business education • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in marketing and/or business development, preferably in the healthcare industry • Ability to effectively manage global projects and teams across functions • International experience, excellent knowledge of English and great communication skills GLOBAL PROCESS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT MANAGER Össur hf. is looking for an ambitious and independent individual to join our team as a project manager. The project team is responsible for improving and aligning processes globally in cooperation with all functions and locations. Responsibilities: • Project management • Workshop facilitation • Process mapping and analysis • Selection of IT systems in cooperation with IT Qualifications: • Honesty, Frugality and Courage • University education • Minimum of 5 years of work experience • Leadership skills • Excellent knowledge of English and great communication skills Applications should be sent to, before the 21st of August 2014. Our HR team can give you more information about the positions, tel. 515-1300. RÁÐGJÖF RÁÐNINGAR RANNSÓKNIR Að gera betur í dag en í gær er drifkraftur nýrra hugsana og betri árangurs Réttir starfsmenn í réttum hlutverkum ræður mestu um árangur fyrirtækja Rannsóknir auka þekkingu og gera ákvarðanir markvissari ráðgjöf ráðningar rannsóknir Síðumúla 5 108 Reykjavík Sími 511 1225 LAUGARDAGUR 9. ágúst 2014 13
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