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Prevalence of Abnormal Electrocardiographic Patterns in lcelandic
Soccer Players and Relationship with Echocardiographic Findings
Arnar Sigurðsson1, Halldóra Björnsdóttir23 Þórarinn Guðnason34, Axel F. Sigurðssonn2-3
An abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) is common among young ath-
letes but the underlying cause is unclear. Therefore it is hard to predict
how accurate ECG is when screening for sudden cardiac death (SCD) in
elite athletes.
Objective: 1) to determine the prevalence of abnormal ECG patterns,
among soccer players, especially in relation to age and 2) to link ECG
patterns with echocardiographic findings in order to find out whether the
ECG can predict disease and/or physiological changes.
Materials and methods: A total of 159 male soccer players (16-45
years, mean age 25.5 years) that participated in the UEFA cup com-
petition 2008-2010 were studied. They underwent both an ECG and
echocardiography along with routine history and cardiologic examina-
tion, according to UEFA protocol. Results were classified and grouped
according to standards set by The European Society of Cardiology and
The American Society of Echocardiography.
Results: 84 (53%) had abnormal ECG patterns. The prevalence of
abnormal ECG patterns decreased with age. Echocardiographic findings
showed that left ventricular wall thickness, mass and diameter increased
with age, along with left atrial diameter. Left ventricular wall thickness,
diameter and mass were similar among those with an abnormal ECG
and those with a normal ECG.
Conclusion: The prevalence of abnormal ECG's is high in lcelandic
soccer players, a finding that usually does not indicate underlying heart
disease. There was no relationship between ECG changes and echo-
cardiographic findings. High prevalance of abnormal ECG patterns in
young athletes reduces the usefulness of ECG in screening for SCD.
Key words: sudden death in athletes, soccerplayers, electrocardiography, echocardiography, screening
Correspondence: Axel F. Sigurðsson, axel@hjartamidstodin.is
'Department of Life Sciences, University of lceland, 2Heart Center, 3Department of Cardiology, The National University Hospital of lceland, 4Læknasetrið
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