Jökull - 01.12.1959, Page 45
Report on Sea Ice off the Icelandic Coasts,
Oct. 1958 -Sept. 1959
The Icelandic coasts were jree of drift ice
throughout the period. Only a few icebergs or
belts of Greenland ice were sighted in the
vicinity of the northwestern promontories.
Distances are given in nautical miles.
The average distance of ice boundary from
Cape Straumnes tuas about 100 miles.
11/10 The boundary of ice was roughly runn-
ing from 7000/2054 to 6830/2510 to 6750/2500
to 6715/2545 to 6740/2700 to 6730/3830 to 6807
/3015 to 6743/3030 to the coast at Aggas Island.
The area N of 68° had mostly concentration
of 8/10 small and 1/10 large floes, consisting of
60% winter ice and 40% polar ice with heavy
riding and rafting. Many hummocks and light
snow cover with refrozen puddles. Most of the
area S of 68° had concentration of 3/10 brash
and block, 1/10 small and medium floes and
3/10 bergs. There were many bergs throughout
the area.
17/10 The boundary of drift ice was approxi-
mately running from 7015/2015 to 6800/2500 to
6730/2830 to 6730/3100 to 6750/3130 to 6730/
3230 to 6712/3145 to Aggas Islancl. No ice was
sighted to the south of that limit. The average
concentration within the area was 6/10 varying
from 2/10 to 10/10.
North of 68° all ice seemed to be polar with
scattered arctic floes. About 9/10 of the area
was covered. Many bergs within twenty miles
off the Greenland coast throughout.
21/10 An Icelandic air plane en route from
Mestersvig to Iceland observed about 40 miles
wide area of close drift ice extending from Cape
Brewster southwards along the 22° meridian W.
The average distance of the ice edge from
Cape Straumnes was about 85 miles with nearest
approach of 70 miles on Nov. 11.
11/11 The eastern boundary of Greenland
ice was running from 6930/2030 to 6730/2518
to 6720/2447 to 6719/3015. The coverage along
the boundary was mostly 6/10—9/10 consisting
of brash and block, small and medium floes and
young ice. All ice was polar with líght hummoc-
king ancl continuous snow. There were few ice-
bergs sighted.
15/11 The eastern boundary of ice was runn-
ing from 7000/1940 to 6745/2520 to 6710/2800
to 6700/3000 to 6730/3120 to 6710/3230 to
6700/3200 to 6620/3335 to 6516/3637 to thirty
miles S of Kulusuk to eleven miles S of Ang-
magsalik to 6524/3843 to 6500/3845 to Aflands-
hage. The concentration N of Kangerdlugsuak
was mostly 10/10 consisting of small and me-
dium floes and large floes. — In the area S of
line from 6533/3525 to six miles S of Erik den
rödes island to eight miles S of Kulusuk to ten
miles S of Angmagsalik the concentration was
1/10 brash and block, 3/10 small and medium
floes, plus less than one tenth slush.
The average distance of ice limit from Cape
Straumnes was about 110 miles.
13/12 The eastern ice boundary ran from
7153/2030 til 7000/1900 to 6930/2000 to 6750/
2530 to 6630/3000. The concentration near the
boundary was 6/10 in the south increasing to
8/10 north af 69° N. A polynya was sighted at
7117/2000 to 7107/1947 to 7056/2000 to 7107/
2025 partially covered by newly formecl ice. —
A few icebergs were sighted at 7000/1930.
19/12 The eastern boundary of ice was run-
ing from 7030/1745 to 6953/1824 to 6837/
2238 to 6822/2400 to 6805/2445 to 6734/2900
to 6717/3150 to 6630/3300 to 6606/3400 to
boundary end at 6547/3530. Several icebergs
were sighted at 6911/2050.
The area from the eastern boundary to a
line seven miles west of it had concentration
of 1/10 to 5/10. the area bethveen seven and
seventeen miles west of the boundary had conc.