
Jökull - 01.01.2012, Síða 47

Jökull - 01.01.2012, Síða 47
The use of tephrochronology in geomorphology Across the soil-covered lands of Iceland, the po- tential for the repeated analysis of the local tephra sequence in many different stratigraphic sections makes a vitally important contribution to the rigor of tephrochronological applications. Not every soil pro- file will contain every tephra layer to have fallen in a region; so ideally profiles are added to the analysis un- til it can be shown that adding more profiles does not add more new primary tephra deposits; at that point it is possible to be confident that all possible tephras have been identified and the potential omissions from any individual profile can be established. Lake cores can preserve a much more detailed tephra record than surrounding terrestrial deposits (e.g. Björck et al., 1992; Haflidason et al., 1992; Caseldine et al., 2003; Hardardóttir et al., 2009). There can, however, be significant stratigraphical variation across a lake bed, sediments may be re- worked by currents, the record affected by earth- quakes and tephra deposits may be so thick that suc- cessful coring represents a real challenge (Boygle, 1999). While lakes can preserve excellent multiple proxy indicators of environmental conditions and a homogenised record of catchment processes, they are one step removed from the landscapes that people in- teract with on a daily basis. Within a catchment-scale lake record, geographical patterns of the environment at a moment in time cannot be resolved with accuracy and it is not possible to differentiate between differ- ent in-catchment landholdings, or components of the landscape (e.g. Mairs et al., 2006). It is notable that recent key works on the volcanic histories of Katla, Grímsvötn, Bárdarbunga and Kverkfjöll have utilised terrestrial sites (Óladóttir et al., 2005, 2011a, 2011b). Isochrons and primary tephra deposits To be confident that all significant episodes of vol- canic fallout across a specific area have been identi- fied, it is necessary to clearly identify primary tephra deposits, remobilised layers that still define isochrons and reworked tephra that form time-transgressive de- posits. This is not always a straight-forward task, especially when seeking to utilise tephrochronology in fields such as geomorphology, environmental re- construction and archaeology. In these applications, the stratigraphy under consideration is often com- plex, present in short vertical sequences and spatially fragmented; tephra layers are often intercalated with many other types of deposit, from cultural materials such as midden and artificial structures to natural fea- tures such as fluvial deposits and glacial till. Tephra layers often lie within soils formed from aeolian sed- iments, but they may also lie within very different materials such as cultural deposits or diamictons. Complex sequences produced by a shifting interplay of episodes of deposition, transport and erosion may contain both tephra deposits that have been disturbed in situ, yet still define an isochronous horizon, and tephra deposits that have been remobilised, lost their isochronous status and yet appear to be primary de- posits because of their lack of exotic admixtures, lim- ited grain modification and the presence of ambiguous sedimentary structures. Where there has been a lim- ited or non-existent contemporaneous movement of other sediments, redistributed deposits of tephra may be essentially similar in character to those of primary undisturbed fallout. The presence of exotic materials or distinctive sedimentary structures can be definitive evidence of remobilisation and re-working of tephra (Óladóttir et al., 2011a); but their absence does not necessarily mean that there has been no mobilisa- tion and post-eruption thickening of the tephra layer. Likewise, reworked layers may have both sharp upper and lower contact and laterally continuous sedimen- tary structures. This may, for example, happen when tephra layers are re-deposited across snow beds – and so be a key concern when considering upland areas or winter eruptions. In these circumstances, the key field observations of tephra layer colour and contacts, grain size and shape, and layer thickness identified by Óladóttir et al., (2011a) can be usefully expanded to include an assessment of the spatial distribution and regional stratigraphic patterns. Detailed mapping of each tephra layer in relation to the geomorphol- ogy, probable contemporaneous vegetation cover and land use can show the degree to which modification is likely, or not. This can effectively identify both isochrons defined by internally modified layers and tephra deposits that may be uncontaminated. JÖKULL No. 62, 2012 45
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