Jökull - 01.01.2012, Page 57
Holocene marine tephrochronology on the Iceland shelf
Figure 1. Map showing locations of cores on the Iceland shelf where Holocene tephra layers have been identi-
fied. Circles represent cores collected on the R/V Håkon Mosby in 1995, triangles, cores collected on the R/V
Bjarni Sæmundssson in 1997, stars, cores from 1999 collected on the R/V Marion Dufresne, squares, RAPiD
cores collected on the R/V Charles Darwin in 2004 and diamonds, cores from Bjarni Sæmundsson in 2006
and Marion Dufresne in 1999. – Staðsetning kjarna á landgrunninu þar sem gjóskulögum frá Hólósen hefur
verið lýst. Hringir sýna kjarna sem teknir voru á rannsóknarskipinu Håkon Mosby 1995, þríhyrningar, kjarna
á Bjarna Sæmundssyni árið 1997, stjörnur, kjarna frá Marion Dufresne, 1999, ferhyrningar, kjarna frá Charles
Darwin, 2004 og tíglar, kjarna frá Bjarna Sæmundssyni, 2006 og Marion Dufresne, 1999.
al., 2011, 2012). Examples of Icelandic tephra lay-
ers that have been used as marker horizons are the
basaltic V1477 tephra from Veiðivötn-Bárdarbunga
volcanic system, the silicic tephra layers from Hekla
volcano (Hekla 1104, Hekla 3, Hekla 4, Hekla 5),
the basaltic Saksunarvatn ash from Grímsvötn vol-
canic system and the bimodal Vedde Ash from Katla
volcanic system. All these tephra layers have been
found in sediments on the Iceland shelf enabling
dating of palaeoclimatic and -oceanographic events
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