
Jökull - 01.01.2012, Side 143

Jökull - 01.01.2012, Side 143
Öræfajökull central volcano, SE-Iceland Table 1. The dimensions of lakes that would form if ice in the ablation area of Öræfajökull were removed and no sediment replacement occurred. Names of lakes refer to the name of the outlet glaciers (Figure 1) except the lake Fjallsárlón in front of Fjallsjökull, which already has a name. The dimensions of a lake filling the caldera of Öræfajökull if the ice cap were removed are given separately at the bottom of the table. – Flatarmál, rúmmál og dýpi lóna sem myndast ef skriðjöklar Öræfajökuls hverfa án þess að setfylling komi í staðinn. Neðst eru samsvarandi tölur fyrir stöðuvatn sem myndast ef ísinn í Öræfajökulsöskjunni hverfur. Name Area (km2) Volume (km3) Max. depth (m) Average depth (m) Morsárjökull lagoon 1.9 0.11 145 55 Skaftafellsjökull lagoon 10.8 0.76 230 70 Svínafellsjökull lagoon 5.1 0.61 320 120 Virkisjökull lagoon 0.8 0.02 70 25 Kvíarjökull lagoon 3.7 0.20 0 55 Hrútarjökull lagoon 0.6 0.01 25 15 Fjallsárlón 9.8 0.65 210 65 Total 33 2.4 Öræfajökull caldera lake 8.6 1.3 280 155 the glacier rivers draining from the outlet glaciers cov- ering these troughs is ∼1.5 x 109 kg yr−1 (Tómasson, 1990). At these rates the rivers would need ∼4000 years to excavate these troughs in a pre-existing sed- iment plain. An order of magnitude increase in the sediment transport rate and an average sediment con- centration in the rivers, on the order of tens of kg per m3 of river discharge, would be required to narrow the period of excavation down to the Little Ice Age. The outlet glaciers of Öræfajökull do not surge nor have significant jökulhlaups been reported from the outlets overlying the largest troughs beneath Skafta- fellsjökull, Svínafellsjökull and Fjallsjökull (jökul- hlaups occurring during historic eruptions did not af- fect these outlet glaciers). Such events are therefore not likely to have aided significantly to the excavation, in contrast to what may have been the case for other troughs underneath outlets of S-Vatnajökull including Breiðamerkurjökull (Björnsson, 1996), Hoffellsjök- ull (Björnsson and Pálsson, 2004) and Skeiðarárjökull (Magnússon, 2008). It is therefore likely that some of the troughs underneath the Öræfajökull outlet glaciers have existed since the settlement of Iceland (∼900 AD) and even much longer, either in form of lakes, subglacial troughs or both. It may also be questioned if troughs like the one underneath Svínafellsjökull have ever been filled completely with sediments since the last Ice Age maximum, given the small drainage area of Svínafellsjökull above the present trough com- pared to the volume of the trough. ICE CATCHMENTS AND WATER DRAINAGE BASINS Results The derived ice thickness and ice divides of the main ice catchment basins of Öræfajökull are shown in Fig- ure 8a. The thickest glacier ice within our study area is in the ablation area of Skaftafellsjökull and Svína- fellsjökull where it exceeds 550 m. The ice divides are generally forced by the rugged topography. In the few exceptions where drawing the ice divides is not trivial we use a trace algorithm to obtain ice flow lines from the LiDAR DEM. Small scale surface changes have limited effects on the ice flow direction. The LiDAR DEM was therefore degraded to 100 m x 100 m grid size, prior to the tracing and filtered with a moving circular window. The weight of the circular filter de- creases linearly towards zero with distance from the centre as suggested by Kamb and Echelmayer (1986). The filter width was equal to the 5-fold ice thickness at each location. JÖKULL No. 62, 2012 141
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