
Jökull - 01.01.2012, Síða 165

Jökull - 01.01.2012, Síða 165
Surge fingerprinting of cirque glaciers Figure 10. Landsystems model for small surge-type cirque glaciers in Iceland, inspired from an overall landsys- tems model for surging glaciers, (Evans and Rea, 1999; 2003). Distal zone, terminal moraine is formed of pre-surge sediment and dump of sediment of the surge front. The moraines are often small, and hummocky moraine often continues from their proximal slope. Proximal zone, it extends from the terminal moraine on to the glacier margin, dead-ice and hummocky moraine are often widespread with occurrence of landforms such as crevasse-fill ridges, backslump niches, medial moraines, and flutes. 1) glacier snout 2) rocks and sediment 3) basaltic bedrock 4) subglacial sediment 5) supraglacial and englacial sediment 6) dead-ice 7) terminal moraine 8) hummocky moraine 9) crevasse-fill ridge 10) medial moraine 11) flute. – Landmótunarlíkan fyrir framhlaup skálar-/hvilftarjökla á Íslandi. Líkaninu er skipt í innra svæði og ytra svæði þar sem ýmis landform finnast. 1) jökuljaðar 2) grjót og set 3) berggrunnur 4) set undir jökli 5) set á og í jökli 6) dauðís 7) endagarður 8) haugaruðningur 9) sprungufyllingar 10) urðarranar 11) jökulkembur. Proximal zone: Coarse and angular sediment is prominent with numerous boulders on the surface. Hummocky moraine is prevalent, sometimes contin- uing from the distal zone. Small-scale crevasse- fill ridges occur scattered in the area. Crevasse-fill ridges are considered to be representative for surge- type glaciers (Sharp, 1985a, 1985b, 1988b; Evans and Rea, 1999). Such ridges are preserved because the marginal zone of surge-type glaciers is usually stag- nant after a surge terminates. As the stagnant ice melts down, the ridges are preserved. In front of Búr- fellsjökull and Teigarjökull well defined crevasse-fill ridges occur randomly in the proximal area. They re- late mainly to drift formations from the 1900s; how- ever some indistinct ridges occur on the surface of older drift sheets, indicating poor preservation poten- tial. The abundance of supraglacially and englacially transported debris can in some cases bury or obscure crevasse ridges. Boulder trains or medial moraines can be traced from the ablation zone of the glacier into the forefield. Occasionally, flutes occur in the in- ner zone. Dead-ice and associated landforms are com- mon, particularly in the younger drift sheets. The landsystems model from the Tröllaskagi peninsula (Figure 10) describes the geomorphology of surge-type cirque glaciers in alpine environments. The lowland surge-type glacier landsystem model by Evans and Rea (1999, 2003) does not cover alpine en- vironments. The present study shows that this geo- morphological environment is not as diverse in sed- iments and landforms as the forefields of the larger surge-type glaciers in Iceland, as it lacks e.g. most glaciofluvial landforms that characterize the surging glacier landsystem (pitted sandar, concertina eskers). The alpine surge-type glacier landsystem has, how- ever, unique fingerprinting in the sheet-like geome- try of surge debris that is defined by the clear hum- mocky terrain linking to the proximal sides of ter- minal moraines. Crevasse-fill ridges and hummocky moraine predominates the proglacial area in front of the surge-type cirque glaciers in Tröllaskagi, whereas annual moraines only occur in front of the non-surge JÖKULL No. 62, 2012 163
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