Ársrit um starfsendurhæfingu - 2014, Síða 58
58 www.virk.is
Iris Arends & Ute Bültmann
Staða starfsmanna með
algengar geðraskanir
eftir endurkomu
til vinnu
Mental ill-health poses the greatest new labour
market policy challenge in many Western
countries. Twenty percent of the working-
age population suffers from common mental
disorders (CMDs) and around 30% of all
sickness absence and work disability is due to
CMDs. Moreover, work functioning is greatly
affected by CMDs. So far, interventions for
workers with CMDs have mainly focused on
facilitating return to work (RTW) for workers
who are on sickness absence due to CMDs.
Intervention that have shown to be successful
in facilitating RTW were conducted in proximity
of the workplace and integrated gradual RTW
while symptom recovery is still taking place.
However, recent research from the Netherlands
Community and Occupational Medicine,
University Medical Center Groningen / University of Groningen,
Groningen, the Netherlands
and Sweden has shown that 20% to 30% of
the workers experience recurrent sickness
absence after RTW. We developed the
Stimulating Healthy participation And Relapse
Prevention (SHARP)-at work intervention
to prevent recurrent sickness absence in
workers who RTW after sickness absence due
to CMDs. The analyses showed that workers
in the intervention group had a 60% reduced
likelihood of experiencing recurrent sickness
absence compared to the control group.
Future challenges remain regarding defining
and operationalizing CMDs, comparing studies
between countries, focusing on relevant
outcome measures for all stakeholders that
go beyond sick leave data and integrating a
life course perspective in the field of Work &
Mental Health.