
Læknaneminn - 01.08.1968, Blaðsíða 30

Læknaneminn - 01.08.1968, Blaðsíða 30
30 LÆKNANEMINN 3935, 1967. 47. Lansbury, J.: The problem of measuring the host reponse to the rheumatoid process: Arthr. and ítheum., 6: 743, 1943. 48. McCormick, J. N.: Auto-immunity and the rheumatic diseases: The Practitioner, 199: 150, 1967. 49. Medical Research Council and Nuffield Foundation Report: A comparison of prednisolone with Aspirin or other anal- gesics in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Ann. Rheum. Dis., 18: 173, 1959. 50. Medical Research Council and Nuffield Foundation Report: A comparison of prednisolone with Aspirin or other anal- gesics in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: Ann. Rheum. Dis., 19: 331, 1960. 51. Mendez-Bryan, R., Gonzales-Alcover, R. and Roger, L.: Rheumatoid Arthritis: prevalence in a tropical area: Arthr. and Rheum., 7: 171, 1964. 52. Mikkelsen, W. M., Dodge, H. J. Duff, I. F., Epstein, F. H. and Napier, J. A.: Clinical and serological estimates of the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in the population of Tecumseh, Michigan, 1959- '60: The Epidemiology of Chronic Rheumatism, 1: 239, 1963. F. A. Davies Comp., Phil. 53. Moritz, M.: Functionsproblem vid juvenil rheumatoid arthr.: Sv. Lákartidn., 65: 1015, 1968. 54. Nilson, F.: Anæmia problems in rheuma- toid arthritis: Acta Med. Scand., 130: supplement. 210, 1948. 55. Olhagen, B.: Aktuella rheumatologiska problem: Sv. Lákartidn., 64: 657, 1967. 56. Olhagen, B.: Den medicinska behand- lingen av rheumatoid artrit hos vuxna. Sv. Lákartidn., 64: 3939, 1967. 57. Partridge, R. E. H.: The Basic Manage- ment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Modern Trends in Rheumatology, bls. 188. Útg. Butterworth, London, 1966. 58. Popert, A. J., et al.: Chloroquine Diphos- phate in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Ann. Rheum. Dis., 20: 18, 1961. 59. Popert, A. J.: Gold and Anti-Malarials: Modern Trends in Rheumatology, bls. 218, Butterworth, 1966. 60. Ragan, C.: The general management of rheumatoid arthritis: J. A. M. A., 141: 124, 1949. 61. Ramsöe Jakobsen, J.: Klorokinretinopati: Nord. Med., 79: 75, 1968. 62. Rau, R.: Der Einfluss der Goldbe- handlung auf die Serumglykoproteide bei der chronischen Polyarthritis: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 93: 165, 1968. 63. Report on a Conference Convened by the International League Against Rheumat- ism. Des. 2-4, 1965: Education and Train- ing of Rheumatologists: American Rheumatism Association, publishers, New York, 1966. 64. Roberts, F. D., Hagedorn, A. B., Slocumb, C. H., Owen, C. A.: Evaluation of the anæmia of rheumatoid arthritis: Blood, 21: 470, 1963. 65. Ropes, M. W. o.fl.: Diagnostic Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis. 1958 Revision: Ann. Rheum. Dis., 18: 49, 1959. 66. Sievers, K. and Hurri, L.: Combined Therapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Gold and Chloroquine: Acta Rheum. Scand., 9: 48, 1963. 67. Sievers, Kaj.: The Rheumatoid Factor in Definite Rheumatoid Arthritis: Acta Rheumatologica Scandinavica, Supple- ment. 9, 1965. 68. Short, C. L., Bauer, W., Reynolds, W. E.: Rheumatoid Arthritis. New York: Harvard University Press, 1957. 69. Smyth, C. J. o.fl.: Rheumatism and Art- hritis. Review of American and English Literature of Recent Years: Ann. Int. Med., 53: 1, 1960. 70. Steinbrocker, O., Traeger, C. H. and Batterman, R. C.: Therapeutic Criteria in rheumatoid arthritis: J. A. M. A., 140: 659, 1949. 71. Strandberg, O.: Anemia in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Acta Med. Scand., Supplement. 454, 1966. 72. Svartz, Nanna: Rheumatoid faktorn, dess egenskapen och uppkomstsátt: Nord. Med., 67: 306, 1962. 73. Sze, T. S.: Mortality and Morbidity from chronic rheumatoid diseases in United Kingdom and Western Europe. The Epi- demiology of Chronic Rheumatism. F. A. Davies Comp., Philadelphia, 1963. 74. Theodór Skúlason og Guðmundur Georgs- son: Búa íslenzkar konur við járnskort?: Læknablaðið, 45: 139, 1961. 75. Vainio, Kauko: Surgery in Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Manitoba Medical Review, 44: 548, 1964. 76. Waine, Hans: Management of the Rheu- matoid Patient: Arthr. and Rheum., 6: 83, 1963. 77. Waller, M., Toone, E. C. and Vaughan, E.: Study of the rheumatoid factor in a normal population; Arthr. and Rheum., 7: 513, 1964. 78. Young, P., Briggs, H. H. and Fry, J.: Spontaneous Remission and Successful Therapy of Chloroquine Retionopathy: Arthr. and Rheumatism, 11: 122, 1968.
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