
Bókasafnið - 01.04.1994, Síða 62

Bókasafnið - 01.04.1994, Síða 62
flæði og öra tækniþróun. Notendur rannsóknarbókasafna hafa fylgst með þessari þróun en almenningur minna. Við munum, í framtíðinni, halda áfram að fylgjast með tækninýjungum og nýta okkur þær í starfi til hagsbóta fyr- ir okkar notendur. SUMMARY Organizing the services ofresearch and special libraries Lecture held on the 20th anniversary conference of the Association of Professional Librarians (Félag bókasafnsfrædinga) on Nov. 12, 1993. The development of special and research libraries in Iceland is described and the growing need for specialized library services in the modern in- formation society is stressed. The role and objectives of such services generally are delt with in detail, e.g. current awareness services. The importance of cooperation among special and research libraries is emp- hasized and pointed out that generally about 50% of the material provided to users comes from interlibrary loans. Computerized union catalogs are discussed, especially the union catalogs present in Iceland and foreign union catalogs most commonly used by Icelandic libraries. In- formation services are also dealt with, e.g. the importance of on-line se- arching and library user’s instruction. Concludes by discussing the future development of the services in special and research libraries and the new media, such as electronic publishing of non-fiction text which permits more frequent updating. vibskiptavinum sínum sérútbúna bókhaldsmöppu sem fjárhagsstöðu heimilisins og veita rábgjöf og mögulega Fjárhagsstöbumat gefur góða yfirsýn yfir fjármálastöbu heimilisins, auðveldar gerð greiðsluáætlunar og sýnir mögulega sparnaðargetu. « SPARISIÓÐUR REYKJAVÍKUR OC NÁGRENNIS -fyrir þig og þína 62 Bókasafhið 18. árg. 1994



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