Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1984, Side 75
prescrvadon. It is supposed to havc been struck in Denmark, and has a date inscribed
upon the Altar, 1537.
The two ends of thc chain arc conncctcd in front by a long transvcrse piecc of silvcr
gilt, eleganty cmbossed and ornamented; from which is suspcndcd a large cross of the
same metal, which hangs down upon the breast, and has, in the centre of it, a box
for holding perfumes. The lid of this box bears a relief of the figurc of thc Virgin
Mary with our Saviour in her arms, and, on the under side, a represcntation of God
the Father, in the likcncss of an old man in robes, having a sort of crown upon his
head: he is sitting on a thronc, and supports with his hands, betwecn his knees, our
Saviour upon the cross; while the Holy Spirit, like a dovc with outstretched wings,
is hovering upon his head: about them are the words VERA. TRINITAS. ET. VNA.
DEITAS. Surrounding these, at thc four extrcmities of the cross, arc thc symbolical
rcpresentations of thc Evangelists. This cross has bccn in a family in Iceland, upwards
of five hundred years.
The Koffur and Herdafcsti are laid aside aftcr the wedding, and thc married lady,
in addition to the clothcs already described, is [bls. 79] ncver to makc hcr appearancc
abroad without the Hempa, an outer coat or habit, of black cloth, with broad bordcrs
of vclvet of thc same color, fastencd all thc way down bcfore from the chin to thc
bottom, by mcans of numcrous largc clasps of silver gilt, and ornamcntcd with two
large circular plates of thc same metal on thc breasts, richly cmbosscd, and adorned
with littlc leaves, and with the initials of thc wcarer sct in stones. The Uppslog are
cuffs of black velvet, with gold embroidery.
It is needless to say that the Icelandic manufactories do not afford cither lincn, silk,
gold lacc, or broad-cloth: thesc arc Danish produce; but all thc other articles of the
dress are made in thc country. Of course, thc ornaments of other drcsses are not all
exactly likc what I have hcre described; but vary according to the fancy of the artist,
or the wcarer, and few are now to be mct with of cqual value with these now
Afrit af skrásetningu á íslenskum faldbúningi sem keyptur var til safns Viktoríu og
Alberts 18. mars 1869. Afritið cr gert eftir ljósriti af samtíma lýsingu í skrá safnsins, sbr.
afrit af bréfi höfundar til Donald King, sbr. supra, 10. tilvitnun, dags. 27. 2. 1976, og
svarbrcf hans dags. 5. 3. 1976. Undirstrikanir tákna prentað nrál í skránni.
1. Pescription of objcct. Dress of a Bride. Icelandic. Fresent Ccnt?
Bodice. “Upphlutur". Green velvct, with fivc pairs of silvcr gilt clasps of opcn-
work pattcrn, attachcd to a Petticoat, “Fat“, green cloth. L. 4 ft. 2 in. W. of skirt 7
ft. 258? 69.
Petticoat. “Fat“. Dark blue cloth, with flowers in colourcd worstcd tambourcd
round the skirt. L. 3 ft. 2'/2 in. W. of skirt, 9 ft. 4 in. 258b ’69.
Apron. “Svynta". Dark blue cloth tambourcd with flowers in colourcd worstcd,
fastened with silver gilt openwork bosscs. L. 3 ft. 2 in. W. below 2 ft. 3'/a in. 258c 69.
Girdle. “Lyndi". Grccn vclvet, with silver-gilt platcs, oblong, of opcnwork corded
ornament (32 in all, two missing,) with pcndant of sinrilar character. L. 5 ft. W 1 in.
1 . of each plate l'/2 in. W. 1 in. 258.d ’69.
Jacket. “Trcja”. Black velvet, with gold embroidery and silver-gilt buttons of glo-
bular opcnwork. L. of back 13% in. with - 258.c 69.
Collar ofjacket. “Kraga”. Black vclvet and gold embroidery. W. 1 '/2 in. 258f’69.