Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1984, Page 76
Ncck Chain. “Hals fcsti“. Silver gilt, opcn work scroll links, to which is suspendcd
thc - 258.8
Medallion. “Nisti“. Silvcr gilt cordatc ornament with blue stone in ccntre, round
which arc cngraved thc initials H. H. D. 1782. Pendent ornamcnts, B shapcd are at-
tachcd. L. of chain 3 ft. 4 in. W. of medallion 3 in. 258h ’69
Shoulder Chain. “Herðafesti". Silvcr gilt, composcd of seven circular disks of cord
ornamcnt connected by triplc chains, and joincd to a transverse bar of similar char-
acter, on thc centre of which stands a vasc-shapcd ornament, & from which is hung
a cross with foliatcd ends decoratcd with a figure of the Trinity & the Evangclistic
symbols. To the central disk is likcwisc suspcndcd a medallion (by Heinrich Ritz?)
showing thc Crucificxion on thc onc sidc & thc sacrifice of Isaac on thc other. L. of
mcdallion to cnd of cross, 2 ft. 6 in. W. of cross bar 6V2 in. diam. of medallion 23A
in. 258' 69.
Pclisse. “Hcmpa“. Black cloth, bordcrcd with velvet, fastened in front with silver
gilt clasps, on thc breast are two circular disks of silvcr gilt, with cord & pcndcnt
ornamcnts, & thc monogram S. N. D. in whitc pastc. L. 4 ft. 1 in. diam. of disk 37/«
in. 258.k ’69.
[Á spássíu hægra megin við lýsinguna á hcmpunni stendur: “Given to Horniman
Museum 9. 2. 1948. Recommcndation of Board of Survey. RPS. 47/1512“ og þar
fyrir neðan, skrifað mcð blcki á ljósritið: “Now rcturned to V & A“]
Ncck Kcrchief. Grey vclvet. D. IVi in. 258' ’69.
2. Date of Rcccipt from Stores. March 17th 1869.
3. From whom reccived. Dr. Hookcr.
5. Datc of Minutc for purchasc. March 18th 1869.
7. Price. £ 105.
8. Rcgistration No. 258 ’69. to 2581 ’69.
9. Datc whcn placed in Muscum.
10. Whcrc placcd in Muscum,
11. Accidcnts.
12. Rcpairs and Rcstoration.
13. Gcncral Rcmarks. Sec 258k-1869.
Tcxtiles Dept.
258 to 258L.