Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1984, Page 177
Árni Hjartarson, Hallgerður Gísladóttir: Skollhólahellir. Um manngerða hella að Ási í
Ásahreppi. Árbók Hins islenska fomleifafélags 1982 (Reykjavík 1983) bls. 123-134.
Björn Th. Björnsson: Seld norðurljós. Björn Th. Björnsson rceðir við 14 fornvini Einars Bene-
diktssonar. Reykjavík 1982.
Einar Bencdiktsson: Laust mál. Úrval. Síðara bindi. Steingrímur J. Þorsteinsson bjó til
prentunar. Reykjavík 1952.
Einar Benediktsson: Foraldir íslandssögu. Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, jólablað 1929.
Einar Bcnediktsson: Forsaga íslands. Morgunblaðið 12. des. 1929.
Einar Benediktsson: Mcðferð forsöguminja tslands. Morgunblaðið 1. des. 1929.
Einar Benediktsson: Stcfnuhvörf Kjarvals. Títninn 29. apríl 1922.
Einar Benediktsson: Listasýningin. Morgunblaðið 4. júlí 1921.
Einar Bcnediktsson: Thules Beboere. Brudstykker til belysning af Islatids forhistorie. Kristiania
Einar Bcncdiktsson: Sýning Jóhannesar Kjarvals. ísafold 9. ágúst 1913.
Einar Bcnediktsson: Irabýlin. Fjallkonan 6. og 13. okt. 1905.
Guðbrandur Magnússon: Ungt listamannscfni. Austri 26. scpt. 1908.
Matthías Þórðarson: Manngcrðir hellar í Rangárvallasýslu og Árnessýslu. Árbók Hins
islenska fornleifafélags 1930, Rcykjavík 1930, bls. 1-76.
Rangárvallasýsla. Sýslu- og sóknarlýsingar Hins íslenska bókmenntafélags 1839-1845, 1856 og
1872-1873. Reykjavík 1968.
Thor Vilhjálmsson: Kjarval. Reykjavík 1978.
The cave drawings of Jóhanncs S. Kjarval.
In Árbók Hins íslenska fornleifafélags 1982 wc publishcd an article on man made caves
in Ás farm, Ásahrcppur parish. Therc was mentioncd that the “giant" of Icelandic paint-
crs, Jóhanncs S. Kjarval, once came to Ás and made some pictures of the old Barn-cave
thcrc (fig. 1). Thcse drawings scem to bc lost and the cave itsclf was destroyed decades
However this article lcd to thc discovery of old glass plate negatives of 35 sheets with
drawings by Kjarval. All thcse drawings are from man made cavcs in Rangárvallasýsla,
Southcrn Iceland. 21 sheets are from thc lost Barn-cave at Ás, 10 are from the well known
caves at Ægissíða and 4 from the ancient cavc at Árbæjarhcllir.
Thc owner of the glass plates was the well known poet Einar Bcnediktsson. He took
great interest in history and wrote a book on the prehistorical times of Iceland, the land
of the midnight sun, Thule, and thc scttlcment of thc Irish herrnit ntonks called “papar".
Einar’s theory was that the “papar" had niade many of the ancient caves of South Iceland
for thcir recluse life. On the walls of the caves thc poet found signs and pictures which