Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 03.01.1987, Blaðsíða 20

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 03.01.1987, Blaðsíða 20
40 ÁRBÓK FORNLEIFAFÉLAGSINS were imprints in the soil and a few particles of bone-dust. In about half the graves thc bones were so poorly preserved that it was impossible to determine the positions of the bodies. In most of the graves the hands of the deceased had been crossed approximately at waist height, but in a few cascs the hands were folded on the chest. There was no cvi- dence of crosses or other memorials. Whilc many of the graves visible in 1972 had con- tained coffins, most of those investigated in 1978 appear not to have done. The original depth of the graves is difficult to determine as so much of the topsoil has eroded. The deepcst were about half a meter in 1978 and may not have been much deeper originally. Nails were found in 3 of the graves investigated in 1978. No other objects were found with the exception of a knife-blade at the foot of one and a small bit of iron over the corpse in another. It is unclear whether these objects were placed in the graves deliberately. Small amounts of charcoal were found in 6 of the graves. At the east end of thc church there was a small pit containing ash and rubbish. On thc edge of the western wall there were also the remains of two cooking-pits containing burnt stones. On the site of the church’s eastern wall were thc remains of thc floor of a small structure, measuring 4X2 meters. The rcmains of thc floor of another small building could also be seen when excavation began in 1978. This building had stood in the south- western corner of the graveyard. As so little remained of the floor and the graveyard walls, it is not clcar how this building related to the graveyard. The graveyard had obviously been in use over a long period of time, with repeated burials - five in one instance - in more or less the same location. Unfortunately the poor condition of the graveyard at the time of excavation greatly reduced the amount of information provided by it. Nevertheless there seemed arnple justification for investiga- ting the gravcyard as it was before excavation of the farm sitc itself began. Excavation of the farm site began in 1979 and is now well under way. Thc upper part of the farm- stead contains several layers of building remains and should provide a good picture of building-typcs on this location over a long period of time. Translated by: Matthew James Driscoll
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Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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