Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1993, Síða 143
Antiálar 1400-1800. 1933-38. Annales Islandici Posteriorum Sæculorum. Gefnir út af Hinu
íslenska bókmenntafélagi. Bd. Il-III. Reykjavík.
Eriksson, Gunilla. 1975. „Fajanser till prekt och nytta." Kulturen 1975. En ársbok till medlem-
marna av Kulturhistoriska föreningen för södra Sverige. Lund.
Gísli Gunnarsson, 1987. Upp er boðið Isaland. Einokunarverslun og íslenskt samfélag 1602-1787.
Lúðvík Kristjánsson, 1982. Islenskir sjávarhættir II. Menningarsjóður, Reykjavík.
Magnús Már Lárusson. 1958. „íslenzkar mælieiningar." Skírnir. Tímarit hins íslenska bókmennta-
félags. CXXXII ár. Reykjavík.
Thomas, Marie Simon, 1935. Onze Ijslandsvaarders in de 17de en 18de eeuw: Bijdrage tot de
geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche handel en visscherij. Amsterdam.
Yfir Breiðafjörð. Leiðsögukort. Utg. Starfsmannafélagið Brá.
Þjóðminjalög, 1989 Stj.tíð. A, nr. 88/1989 og Lög um breyting á Þjóðminjalögum, samþ. 7.5.
Bjarni F. Einarsson, 1992. Vettvangsathugun í Höfninni við Flatey á Breiðafirði 7.-8. septem-
ber. Kafað við tvö skipsflök. Vettvangsathugun Þjóðminjasafns íslands 1992.
Bjarni F. Einarsson, 1993. Sjávarfornleifafræðileg rannsókn í Höfninni við Flatey á Breiðafirði
sumarið 1993. 17. aldar hollenskt kaupfar og 19. aldar dönsk skonnorta. Rannsóknar-
skýrslur Þjóðminjasafns íslands 1993. Óbirt.
Brynja Björk Birgisdóttir, 1993. Samskipti íslands og Hollands í íslenskum annálum 1602-
1787. Háskóli íslands. Óbirt námskeiðsritgerð.
Guðmundur Ólafsson, 1992. Fundin 2 skipsflök við Flatey á Breiðafirði. Rannsóknarskýrslur
fornleifadeildar 1992. Fornleifadeild Þjóðminjasafns íslands. 1992. Reykjavík. Óbirt.
Bréf frá Halldóri Baldurssyni, dr. med., til Þjóðminjavarðar, dags. 24. ágúst 1993. Óbirt.
Bréf til Halldórs Baldurssonar, dr. med., dags. 24. ágúst 1993 frá Handels- og Sofartsmuseet pá
Kronborg. DK-3000 Helsingor. Danmark. Óbirt.
An underwater archaeological investigation was undertaken in July 1993 near the island
Flatey in Breiðafjörður in Western Iceland by the National Museum of Iceland. The exact site
is inside a bay on a tiny island, Hafnarey. The island was originally a crater, and lies just off
the north shore of Flatey, close to the village on that island. This was the first investigation of
its kind to be undertaken in Iceland, and was on a very modest scale.
The main object of the investigation was the wreck of a 17th century Dutch merchant ship
named Mclckmeyt, which had been leased by a Danish merchant to use in trade with Iceland.
When the ship was ready to sail from Iceland 1659 a storm broke and the ship was wrecked.
lt seems that a fire started in the ship when this happened, but was quickly extinguished,
when it sank.
A few contemporary sources, the most important being the annal called Ballarárannáll,
mention this event. They record that a Dutch ship was wrecked in the harbour, and that all
but one of the crew of 15 survived. The annal states that the crew stayed on Flatey the fol-
lowing winter and built a seaworthy ship from parts of the wreck. They sailed to Holland in
this ship the following summer. It is unlikely that this story is true in detail, because the keel
of Melckmeyt still lies on the bottom of the sea. The missing parts may equally well have been
used in buildings on the island.