Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1966, Side 85
TOLDBERG, HELGE. Jóhann Sigurjónsson. Kbh.
1965. 182, (1) bls., 6 mbl. 8vo.
TORNÖE, J. KR. Norsemen before Colombus.
Early American history. London 1965. 127 bls.,
2 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8vo.
TREECE, IJENRY. Splintered sword. Illustrated
by Charles Keeping. Leicester 1965. 119, (2)
bls. 8vo.
TRYGGING LTD., Reykjavík. Accounts 1963.
TRvík 1964]. (6) bls. 8vo.
UTVEGSBANKI ISLANDS. Annual report and
accounts 1963. Rvík [1964]. (30) bls. 8vo.
August 1961. Edited by Alan Small, M. A.
Edinburgh 1965. VIII, 272 bls., 13 mbl., 2
uppdr. 8vo.
VINLAND SAGAS, THE. The Norse discovery
of America. Grænlendinga Saga and Eirik’s
Saga. Translated with an introduction by
Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Pálsson.
The Penguin Classics L 154. Harmondsworth,
Middlesex 1965. 124 bls. 8vo.
VOIGT, HELMUT. Zur Rechtssymbolik der
Schuhprobe in Þiðriks saga (Viltina þáttr).
Sonderdruck aus: Beitrage zur Geschichte der
deutschen Sprache und Literatur. 87. Band,
L—2. Heft. Tubingen 1965. (1), 93.—149. bls.
VRIES, JAN DE. Heroic song and heroic legend.
Translated by B. J. Timmer. London 1963. (5),
278 hls. 8vo.
[VÖLSUNGA SAGA]. Sons of the Volsungs.
Adapted by Dorothy Hosford from Sigurd the
Volsung by William Morris. Drawings by John
Holder. London 1965. 126 bls. 8vo.
I—] Volsunga Saga. The story of the Volsungs
and Niblungs. Translated by WiIIiam Morris.
With an introduction and glossary by Robert
W. Gutman. First Collier Books edition. N. Y.
1962. 320 bls. 8vo.
— The Saga of the Volsungs. Edited and trans-
Iated with introduction, notes and appendices
by R. G. Finch. Icelandic Texts. General
editors: Sigurdur Nordal and G. Turville-Petre.
London 1965. XLII, (1), 78, 97 bls. 8vo.
WAHLGREN, ERIK. The Kensington Stone. A
mystery solved. Madison 1958. XIV, 228 bls.,
10 mbl. 8vo.
WHITE FALCON, THE. Vol. III. [Ætti að vera:
vol. IV]. U. S. Naval Station, Keflavik Inter-
national Airport 1964. [Pr. í Rvík]. 44 tbl.
WILL, FREDERIC. Reykjavík: 1963. The Antioch
Review. [Sérpr.] Ál. Bls. 167—180. 8vo.
UR. This is Iceland. Dette er Island. Das ist
Island. Voici l’Islande. Introduction and
picture-texts by * * * English translation:
Alan Boucher. Dansk oversættelse: Bodil Sahn.
Deutsche Ubersetzung: Baldur Ingólfsson.
Traduction francaise: Sigurður Júlíusson. Rvík
1965. 47, (1) bls. Grbr.
Thórallur. The Catholic Church in Iceland.
Worldmission, [vol. 9, no. 1. Úrtak. N. Y. 1961].
Bls. 33—34. 8vo.
parison of visna and maedi viruses. I. Physical,
chemical and biological properties. Reprinted
from Research in Veterinary Science vol. 6.
No. 1. Oxford 1965. (1), 117.—129. bls., 1 mbl.
— Effect of 5-bromodeoxyuridine and actinomycin
D on the growth of visna virus in cell cultures.
Reprinted from Virology, volume 26, no. 1,
1965. Bls. 36—43. 4to.