

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2001, Page 39

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2001, Page 39
greinar fundnar í skrám Royal Society ættu að gefa vísbendingu um að margt er enn ókannað í þessari sögu og tengslum hennar við þróun raunvísinda í hinum stóra heimi. Ritstjóm Náttúrufræðingsins eru þakkaðar góðar ábendingar. ■ HEIMILDIR Atkinson, G.C. 1989. Journal of an Expedition to the Faroe and Westman Islands and Iceland 1833 (A.V. Seaton ritstýrir og ritar inngang). The Bewick-Beaufort Press, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 187 bls. I formála er m.a. fjallað um leiðangur W. Proctors til íslands 1837. Einnig er af honum sagt í grein Proctors í tímaritinu Naturalist 3, 1838, 410-412, sem ogíEdinburghJ.Nat. Sci. 2, 1839, 19-20 ogí Ann. Nat. Hist. III (Proc. Linnæan Soc.), 1839, 259-260. Guðmundur Eggertsson 2000. Kviknun lífs. Náttúrufræðingurinn 69. 167-176. Haraldur Sigurðsson 1991. Island í skiifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins. Ritaskrá. Landsbókasafn Islands, 163 bls. Schwarzbach, M. 1983. Deutsche Island- forscher im 19. Jahrhundert - Begegnungen in der Gegenwart. Jökull 33. 25-32. ■ SUMMARY THE ROYAL SOCIETYCATALOGUES 1800-1914 AND SC/ENTIF/C RESEARCH IN ÍCELAND The “Catalogue of Scientific Papers”, published by the Royal Society in 19 large volumes, is described briefly. It lists basic bibliographic data on approx. 384,000 articles on mathematics and natural sciences, which appeared in European and North American periodicals in 1800-1900. This important publication was continued and expanded in the series “International Catalogue of Scientific Literature” covering 1901-1914. Examples are given of how these catalogues can be used to locate and follow up writings by foreign scientists, relevant to the history of natural science research in Iceland. As it turns out, many interesting works are not listed in the main Icelandic bibliography of such papers (Haraldur Sigurðsson 1991) or in computerized bibliographic indexes. Some of these may have directly or indirectly prompted additional research elsewhere, even witli wide-ranging consequences. PÓSTFANG HÖFUNDAR/AöTHOR 's ÁDDRESS Leó Kristjánsson leo@raunvis.hi.is Raunvísindastofnun Háskólans Jarðeðlisfræðistofa, Haga v/Hofsvallagötu 107 Reykjavík 117



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