

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1949, Qupperneq 54

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1949, Qupperneq 54
46 N ÁTTÚRUFRÆBIN GURINN hreinan stofn, lékk ég sendar 100 kvarnir frá Norður-Noregi, en norski stofninn er, eins og kunnugt er, ómengaður vorgotssíldar- stofn. 96 sýndu örugglega þau einkenni, sem hér hafa verið talin greina vorgotssíld l'rá sumargotssíld, 2 voru skemmdar, en á 2 getur leikið vafi, til hvors stofns á að telja þær eftir kvörnunum. Frekari rannsóknir verða nú gerðar á þessum einkennum. SUMMARY Tlie Herring Otolith as a Guide to Race Reference is made to various drawbacks connected with the methods usually em- ployed in distinguishing seasonal races of herring, i. e. a. Determination of the degree of maturity of the sexual organs. h. C.ountings of merestic characteristics, cspecially of vertelrrae and keeled scales. It is concluded that thcsc methods are iuadequate wlien young herrings are heing delt witli and may he misfeading as regards older herring, éspecially during late sitmmer, when il is difficult to distinguish maturity stages III and VIII. Becausc of the shortcomings mentioned an attempt was made lo use tlie si/e of thc herring when the first vvinter ring is formed, as a guidc to racc. Summer spawning herring should he of greater size at this stage. Fig. I shows that the measurements have a two-pcaked curve. However, the overlapping is so great that it is ohvious that the method is not applicahle for this purposc. On the other hand, very promising rcsults emerged fioin a study of ihc otoliths. Characteristic differences in the struture of the center are explained as due lo different seasonal growtli conditions during larval life. The otoliths showing an opaque center are regarded as belonging lo the spring spawning population, while tlie otoliths of the summer spawning population have a hyaline, more transparent area appearing as a depression in the center of the otolith. Tliis characteristic does not seem to alter during the life of tlic heiring. Thus the opaque center corresponds lo the stimmer zones formed duriiig a period of a rapid growtli, while the hyaline center corresponds to the winterzones formed in autumn and winter when growtli is slow. I'lie figures sliow typical examþles of tliis difference. By courtesy of Mr. Th. Rasmussen and Mr. Olav Aasen, 100 otolilhs were received from a pure spring spawning population from Norwegian waters. The hulk of tliese ololiths are of thc typc figured in fig. 3. Some liave, however, a very small hyalinc central area. It is hoped that further investigations on the samples taken in February 1948 in Hvalfjörður and on more samples from Norwegian waters will clarify the extent of variation in tliis characteristic.
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