Læknablaðið - 01.10.1967, Blaðsíða 14
the new M&I3 A highly effective ti'icyclic compourul
anticlepressant with for use in a11 forms ofdePression
psychosedative Exerts a marked psychosedative
/. effect whicli íninimizes or obviates
properties , , „
the need íor concnrrent nse oí
sedatives or tranquillizers
Well tolerated
])oes not acliieve its effect by
MAO inhibition
‘Sunnontir* is suppliod as
tablets of 25 ing. trimipramine
and 2 ml. ainpoules of injcetion
solution (12-5 ing. per ml.)
Br.med.J., i, !)S, 10G7.
Practitioner, 198, S2, I!J07.
Br.J .Psijchiat.y 111, 1155, 1Í105.
Br.J.Psychiat.y 111, II05, 1 ÍK>5.
Psychophannacolotjia, 7, 272. 1!)G5.
Xord.psijkiat.Tid.s.s/.r., 18, 55S, 1Í1G4
Scensfca Lt'ikarlidn., 61, 2017, l'.Kit.
*trade mark
Manufacturcd by MAY & BAKER LTD Dagcnham Essex England •
Agents in Iceland. Stefen Thorarensen Ltd P.O. Box 897 Reykjavik Tel. 81016/8