

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1979, Qupperneq 91

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1979, Qupperneq 91
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 223 SKURÐAÐGERÐIR... Framh. af bls. 180 TILVITNANIR 1. Acheson J. og Hutchinson E.C.: The Natu- ral History of „Focal Cerebral Vascular Disease“. Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 40:15, 1971. 2. Ciauss Roy H. & George M. Sanoudos, Jefferson F. Ray III and Sha Moallem.: Carotid Endarterectomy for Cerebrovas- cular Ischemia. Surgery Gynecology & Obstetrics, 136:993, 1973. 3. DeBarkey Michael E.: Successful Carotid Endarterectomy for Cerebrovascular In- summiciency. Ninteen-Year Follow-up. Jama, 233:10, 1975. 4. Eastcott H.H.G., Pickering G.W. & Rob C. G.: Reconstruction of Internal Carotid Artery in a Patient with Intermittent Attacks of Hemiplegia. Lancet, 2:994, 1954. 5. Ekeström, S.: Indication for Carotid Sur- gery. Acta Chir. Scand., 135:21, 1969. 6. Fisher Miller: Occlusion of the Carotid Arteries. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., 72:187 1954. 7. Goldner J.C. & Jack P. Whismont and William F. Taylor. Long — Term prognosis of Transient Cerebral Ischemie Attacks, Stroke. 2:160, 1971. 8. Gonzales, L.L. and Carson M. Lewis.: Sur- gery, Gynocol. & Obstetr. 122:773, 1966. 9. Grindal A.B. and James F. Toole: Surgical Treatment of Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease. An Updating to 1974. Annals of Internal Medicine. 81:647-649, 1974. 10. Hass, W.K.: Occlusive Cerebrovascular Dis- ease, The Medical Clinics of North America. 56:6, 1972. 11. Helmers Claes.: Acetylsalicylsyra och transitoriska ischemiska attacker. Lákar- tidningen. 75:13, 1978. 12. Hertzer N.R., Edwin G. Beven, Richard L. Greenstreet & Alfred W. Humphries: Inter- nal carotid back pressure, intraoperative shunting, ulcerated atheromata, and the incidence of stroke during carotid endar- terectomy. Surgery. 83:306, 1978. 13. Howe J.R. & Glenn W. Kindt: Cerebral Protection During Carotid Endarterectomy. Stroke. 5:340, 1974. 14. Hughes R.K., Manuel Bustos & James P. Byrne jr.: Internal Carotid Artery Pressur- es. A Guide for Use of Shunt During Caro- tid Repair. Arch. Surg. 109:494, 1974. 15. Jestico J., M.J.G. Harrison and John Mar- shall: Trial of Aspirin during weaning patients with transcient ischaemic attacks from anticoagulants. British Medical Jour- nal. 1:1188, 1978. 16. Millikan C.H.: Reassessment of Anticoa- gulant Therapy in Various Types of Occlu- sive Cerebrovascular Disease. Stroke, 2:201, 1971. 17. Moniz E.: L’encephalographic Arterielle Son Importance Dans La Localication des Tumeurs Cerebrales. Rev. Neurol. (Par). 2:72, 1927. 18. Moore W.S., James M. Yee and Albert D. Hail: Collateral Cerebral Blood Pressure. An Index of Tolerance of Temporary Caro- tid Occlusion. Arch. Surg. 106:520, 1973. 19. Miiller R. og Olsson J.E.: Langtidsbehand- ling med antikoagulantia vid TIA och TIA- IR. Lákartidningen, 74:75, 1977. 20. Norbáck B.: Behandling av TIA. Lákartid- ningen. 75:4, 1978. 21. Nunn D.B. Carotid Endarterectomy. An Analysis of 234 Operative Cases. Ann. Surg. 182:733. 1975. 22. Ranson J.H.C., A.M.Imparato, R.H. Claus, G.E. Reed and W.K. Hass: Factors in the Mortality and Morbidity Associated with Surgical Treatment of Cerebrovascular In- sufficiency. Circulation, 39 (suppl. I): 1-269, 1969. 23. Thompson J.E. and Talkington C.M.: Caro- tid Endarterectomy. Ann.Surg. 184:1, 1976. 24. Toole J.F., Richard Janeway, Kwan Choi, Robert Cordell, Courtland Davies, Frank Johnston and Henry S. Miller: Transient Ischemic Attacks Due to Atherosclerosis. A Prospective Study of 160 Patients. Arch Neurol. 32:5, 1975. 25. Whisnant J.P., John P. Fitzgibbons, Leo- nard T. Kurland and Georg P. Sayre: Natural History of Stroke in Rochester Minnesota, 1945 Through 1954. Stroke. 2:11, 1971. 26. Whisnant J.P., Niall E.F. Cartlidge and Lila R. Elveback: Carotid and Vertebral- Basilar Transcient Ischemic Attacks. Effect of Anticoagulants, Hypertension, and Car- diac Disorders on Survival and Stroke Occurence — A Population Study. Annals of Neurology. 3:2, 1978. 27. Worman L.W.: Carotid Endarterectomy. — The Rationale. Surgery. 84:5, 1978. 28. Wylie E.J., Michael F. Hein and John E. Adams: Intracranial Hemorrhage Follow- ing Surgical Revascularization for Treat- ment of Acute Strokes. J. Neurosurg. 21: 212, 1964.
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