

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1997, Síða 9

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1997, Síða 9
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 205 Útbreiðsla ampicillín ónæmra enterókokka á Landspítalanum og sýklalyfjanæmi enterókokka Ólafur Guðlaugsson1), Karl G. Kristinsson2’ Guðlaugsson Ó, Kristinsson KG Ampicillin resistant enterococci at Landspítalinn University Hospital and antimicrobial susceptibili- ties of enterococci in Iceland Læknablaðið 1997; 83: 205-10 Hospital acquired infections caused by enterococci are an increasing problem, due to an increased num- ber of infections and increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics. During 1994 ampicillin resistant enter- ococci were discovered in specimens from three pa- tients in one ward over a short time period. The patients were isolated and stool cultures were taken from everyone in the ward for selective cul- ture for enterococci and subsequent antimicrobial susceptibility tests. Additional screening cultures were taken from patients in the intensive care unit, the oncology ward, one surgical and one paediatric ward. Cultures were also taken from the hospital sewage system. Antibiotic susceptibility of entero- cocci isolated from urine samples submitted to the Microbiology Department, Landspítalinn, during 1994 and 1995 were reviewed. In the index ward, specimens were obtained from 30 individuals for culture. One additional patient and one staff member were found to be colonised with ampicillin resistant enterococci. In the other wards a total of 23 samples were taken from selected pa- tients for culture, but none of these cultures yielded ampicillin resistant enterococci. No ampicillin re- sistant enterococci were found in the sewage system of the hospital. Of a total of 41,181 urine specimens Frá '’lyflækningadeild og 2)sýklafræðideild Landspítalans. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Karl <3. Kristinsson, sýklafræðideild Landspítalans, Pósthólf 1465, 121 Reykjavík. Netfang: karl@rsp.is Lykilorð: enterókokkar, sýklalyfjanæmi, ónæmi, spítala- sýkingar. cultured at the Microbiology Department, 1,513 contained enterococci of which five were resistant to ampicillin (0.3%, all from 1994). We conclude that ampicillin resistant enterococci have not become established at Landspítalinn. It may be difficult to maintain a susceptible enterococ- cal population, however isolation of carriers and sensible use of broad spectrum antibiotics are likely to delay the establishment of multiresistant entero- cocci in Iceland. Keywords: enterococcus, antimicrobials, resistance, hospital infection. Ágrip Spítalasýkingar af völdum enterókokka eru vaxandi vandamál vegna aukinnar tíðni þeirra og minnkandi næmis fyrir sýklalyfjum. Arið 1994 fundust ampicillín ónæmir enterókokkar hjá þremur sjúklingum á sömu deild Landspít- alans á stuttum tíma. Slíkir stofnar voru nær óþekktir á Islandi og því talið mikilvægt að koma í veg fyrir frekari útbreiðslu. Sjúkling- arnir voru einangraðir og teknar skimræktanir frá öðrum sjúklingum deildarinnar og starfs- fólki, þar sem leitað var að ampicillín ónæmum enterókokkum. Síðan voru gerðar skimrækt- anir á völdum sjúklingum annarra deilda spít- alans svo og farið yfir næmi innsendra þvag- sýna sem enterókokkar höfðu ræktast úr. Einangrunin var samkvæmt leiðbeiningum Bandarísku sjúkdómavarnarstofnunarinnar (Centers for Disease Control). Saurræktanir voru teknar frá öllum sjúklingum og starfsfólki sjúkradeildarinnar. Skimræktanir voru einnig teknar frá sjúklingum á gjörgæsludeild, skurð- deild, barnadeild og krabbameinslækninga- deild. Ræktanir voru teknar úr holræsum hverrar álmu Landspítalans. Farið var yfir
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