

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1997, Page 26

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1997, Page 26
218 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 Fræðigreinar íslenskra lækna í erlendum tímaritum Getið er fræðigreina og -ágripa. Sendið heiti greinar, nöfn höfunda og birtingarstað til Læknablaðsins. Miðað er við greinar sem birst hafa á yfirstandandi og síðasta ári. Til glöggvunar verður íslenskra höfunda getið með fornafni þótt þess sé ekki getið við birt- ingu. * Rafn Benediktsson, Padfield PL. The impact of spontaneous blood pressure variability on pa- tient classification according to current hyperten- sion guidelines. Hypertension 1995; 13:1491-2. * Edwards CRW, Rafn Benediktsson, Lindsay RS, Seckl JR. 11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydro- genases: key enzymes in determining tissue- specific glucocorticoid effects. Steroids 1996; 61: 263-9. * Waddell BJ, Rafn Benediktsson, Seckl JR. 1113- Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in the rat corpus luteum: induction of gene expression and bioactivity coincident with luteal regression. En- docrinology 1996; 137: 5386-91. * Rafn Benediktsson, Edwards CRW. 113-hy- droxysteroid dehydrogenases: tissue specific dictators of glucocorticoid action. Essays in Bio- chemistry 1996; 31: 23-6. * Ársæll Kristjánsson, Abol-Enein H, Alm P, Mok- htar AA, Ghoneim MA, Mánsson W. Long-term renal morphology and function following entero- cystoplasty (refluxing or anti-reflux anastomo- sis): an experimental study. Br J Urol 1996; 78: 840-6. * Ársæll Kristjánsson. Urinary Diversion; long term renal function and morphology and conse- quences for metabolism (thesis). Lund Universi- ty, 1996. * Ársæll Kristjánsson, Abol-Enein H, Alm P, Mok- htar AA, Ghonheim MA, Mánsson W. Reflux ne- phropathy following enterocystoplasty (refluxing or anti-reflux anastomosis): an experimental study (abstract). Xllth Congress of the European Association of Urology, 1996. * Mánsson W, Colleen S, Davidsson T, Ársæll Kristjánsson, Mánsson Á. Urinary tract recon- struction after radical cystectomy. Method-to pa- tient matching. In: Schnorr D, Loening A, Guddat HM, eds. Das oberfláchliche Harnblasenkarzi- nom - eine lebenslange panurotheliale Erkran- kung? Berlin: Logos Verlag, 1996:199-209. * Ársæll Kristjánsson, Davidsson T, Mánsson W. Elektrolyt- och syra-bas balans hos urinavledda patienter med normal eller nedsatt njurfunktion samt effekten av akut syrabelastning (abstract). Svenska Lákaresállskapets Riksstámma, 1996. * Wennergren G, Sigurður Kristjánsson, Sten G, Bjure J, Engström I. Nebulized racemic adrena- line for wheezy bronchitis. Acta Paediatr Scand 1991;80:375-7. * Sigurður Kristjánsson, Lödrup Carlsen KC, Wennergren G, Strannegárd l-L, Carlsen K-H. Nebulised racemic adrenaline in the treatment of acute bronchiolitis in infants and toddlers. Arch Dis Child 1993; 69: 650-4. * Shimizu T, Sigurður Kristjánsson, Wennergren G, Strannegárd l-L, Strandvik B. Leukotriene B4 and C4 generation by blood leukocytes after ex vivo stimulation by Ca-ionophore and opson- ized zymosan in children with atopic dermatit- is. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1994; 5: 95-9. * Sigurður Kristjánsson, Shimizu T, Strann- egárd I-L, Wennergren G. Eosinophil cationic protein, myeloperoxidase and tryptase in children with asthma and atopic dermatitis. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1994; 5: 223-9. * Shimizu T, Sigurður Kristjánsson, Wenner- gren G, Hansson G, Strandvik B. Inhibitory effects of theophylline, terbutaline and hydr- ocortisone on leukotrine B4 and C4 synthesis by human leukocytes in vitro. Pediatr Pulmon- ol 1994; 18: 129-34. * Sigurður Kristjánsson, Berg-Kelly K, Winsö E. Inhalation of racemic adrenaline in the treatment of mild and moderatly severe croup. Clinical symptom score ánd oxygen saturation measurements for evaluation of treatment ef- fects. Acta Pædiatr 1994, 83: 1156-60. * Sigurður Kristjánsson, Shimizu T, Wenner- gren G, Strannegárd I-L, Strandvik B. Leu- kotriene B4 and C4 generation by human leu- kocytes after ex vivo stimulation with Ca-ion- ophore and opsonized zymosan in children with atopic asthma. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1995; 6: 155-60. * Wennergren G, Nordvall SL, Hedlin G, Möller C, Wille S, Ásbrink Nilsson EÁ Nebul- ized budesonide for the treatment of moderate and severe asthma in infants and toddlers. Acta Pædiatr 1996; 85: 183-9. '’Sigurður Krist- jánsson, a member of the working group. * Wennergren G, Sigurður Kristjánsson,



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