Læknablaðið - 15.04.1998, Síða 14
Áhættuþættir slagæðasjúkdóma og
gildi breytts lífsstíls
Könnun á meöal íbúa á aldrinum 35-65 ára í
Guörún G. Eggertsdóttir, Siguröur Halldórsson
Eggertsdóttir GG, Halldórsson S
Cardiovascular risk factors and the value of
changes in lifestyle. Results from a study of people
aged 35-65 in a small rural community in Iceland
Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 282-89
Object: To find the prevalence of cardiovascular risk
factors in Öxarfjarðarhérað, a small rural community
in north-eastern Iceland, and to see if these risk fac-
tors could be influenced with simple measurements
and interventions in the community.
Material and methods: The study group included
every person between the age of 35-65, living in the
community. The participants were interviewed by a
nurse. Cardiovascular risk factors were registered
and measured. The results were discussed with each
person individually and verbal and written advise
given by the nurse, with emphasis on each individu-
al’s own responsibility regarding lifestyle changes. A
total of 126 persons came to the initial interview, or
97%. A follow-up interview was carried out after six
to seven months for those two thirds of the sample
who had one or more risk-factors. Sixty-eight attend-
ed, or 80%.
Results: Two thirds of the study population had
some risk factors for cardiovascular disease, thereof
35 individuals with s-cholesterol >6.0 mmol/1. Aver-
age weight for men was 84.7 kg and women 77.1 kg.
Average cholesterol was 6.0 mmol/1 for men and 5.9
for women. Four new hypertensives were found and
treated. From the second interview we found that
40-46% of those who had been told that they had
high s-cholesterol had increased their physical activ-
ity and reduced food fat and sugar. This same group
also proved to have decreased their average weight
Frá Heilsugæslustöðinni á Kópaskeri. Fyrirspurnir, bréfa-
skipti: Sigurður Halldórsson, Heilsugæslustöðinni, 670
Kópasker. Simi: 465 2109, bréfsími: 465 2179.
Lykilorð: áhættuþættir, lífsstíll, hreyfing, fæöi.
(-1.6 kg) and s-cholesterol (-1.1 mmol/l) significant-
ly. No significant changes were found regarding
smoking or blood pressure.
Conclusion: A short interview and simple mea-
surements at a local health centre are effective, at
least in the short term in altering life style factors
such as physical activity and intake of fat and sugar
in certain risk groups, thereby inducing a significant
decrease in s- cholesterol and thus hopefully reduce
the incidence of premature cardiovascular events. In
view of the above, we encourage all health care
workers to introduce these simple lifestyle changes
to their clients.
Keywords: risk factors, life style, phycicai activity, diet.
Tilgangur: Að kanna algengi áhættuþátta
slagæðasjúkdóma í litlu læknishéraði á íslandi
og að minnka áhættu þeirra með faglegri ráð-
gjöf og einföldum mælingum heima í héraði.
Efniviður og aðferðir: Öllum íbúum Öxar-
fjarðarhéraðs á aldrinum 35-65 ára var boðið
að koma í viðtal hjá hjúkrunarfræðingi þar sem
spurt var um ýmis atriði varðandi lífsstíl,
mældir og skráðir helstu áhættuþættir slagæða-
sjúkdóma, niðurstöður ræddar og gefnar við-
eigandi leiðbeiningar munnlega og skriflega.
Lögð var áhersla á að einstaklingurinn sjálfur
bæri ábyrgð á að breyta lífsstíl sínum til lengri
tíma. Alls mættu 126 eða 97%.
Samanburðarathugun var gerð eftir sex til
sjö mánuði hjá þeim sem töldust með einhverja
áhættuþætti en það voru tveir þriðju hlutar
hópsins. I síðara viðtal mættu 68 eða 80%
Niðurstöður: Tveir þriðju hlutar hópsins
höfðu einhverja áhættuþætti slagæðasjúkdóma,
þar af 35 einstaklingar með kólesteról í blóði
yfir 6,0 mmól/1. Meðalþyngd karla var 84,7 kg