

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2008, Blaðsíða 23

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2008, Blaðsíða 23
FRÆÐIGREINAR RANNSÓKNIR 5. Forsætisráðuneyti íslands. Auðlindir í allra þágu. Stefna ríkisstjómarinnar um upplýsingasamfélagið, 2004-2007; Skýrsla. Forsætisráðuneyti íslands, Reykjavík 2004. www. forsaetisraduneyti.is/media/Skyrslur/UpplStefna2004.pdf/ 6. Eysenbach G, Jadad AR. Consumer health informatics in the Intemet age. In Edwards A, Elwyn G, ed. Evidence-based patient choice Oxford: University Press 2001: 289-307. 7. Teslow MS, Wilde DJ. Data collection standards. In: Abdelhak M, Grostick S, Hanken MA, Jackobs E, ed. Health Information: Management of a Strategic Resource. 2nd ed. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia 2001: 72-143. 8. Pyper C, Amery J, Watson M, Thomas B, Crook, C. Survey of patient and primary health care team perceptions and attitudes on electronic health records. NHS Information Authority, ERDIP, Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme; Report 2001. www.nhsia.nhs. uk/erdip/pages/demonstrator/bury/bury_(13).pdf/ 9. 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Halldórsdóttir G, Thoroddsen AS Access to Own Health Information and Services on the Internet by Disability Pensioners and Other Citizens Objective: To study lcelandic citizens’ perception, attitude and preferences regarding access to own health information and interactive services at the State Social Security Institute of lceland (SSSI). Hypotheses regarding differences between disability pensioners and other citizens were put forward. Material and methods: A descriptive mail survey was performed with a random sample from the lcelandic population, 1.400 individuals, age 16 to 67, divided into two groups of 700 each: (1) persons entitled to disability pension (2) other citizens in lceland. The questionnaire consisted of 56 questions, descriptive statistics were used and Chi square for comparison with 95% as confidence level of significance. Response rate was 34.9%. Results: Perception of rights to access owns’ health information was significantly higher by pensioners than other citizens. Attitude concerning impact of access was in general positive, with pensioners significantly more positive about effectiveness, perception of health, communication and decisions owing to services, access at SSSI, maintaining health records and controlling access. Conclusions: The study, the first of its kind in lceland, supports previous research. The results, as well as foreign models of research projects, are recommended to be used for evolution of electronic health services and researching employees’ viewpoints. Future research in lceland should address the impact of interactive health communication on quality of life, health and sen/ices’ efficiency. Keywords: access, health information, health informatics, health consumer, internet service. Correspondence: Gyða Halldórsdóttir. gyda@heilsunet.is > cc < s 5 D W I w o z lii Barst: 12. júní 2008, - samþykkt til birtingar: 2. október 2008. # LÆKNAblaöið 2008/94 735
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