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Primary hyperparathyroidism due to an intrathoracic parathyroid adenoma.
- A case report and review of the literature
A 72 year old gentleman presented to the emergency
department with symptoms of diffuse joint and muscular
pain, fatigue and diminished memory. Serum calcium
and parathyroid hormone levels were raised, consistent
with primary hyperparathyroidism. No abnormality was
found on an ultrasound scan of the neck. However, a
sestamibi scan suggested a possible adenoma in the
anterior mediastinum, which on computed tomography
(CT) scan was 1.5 cm in size. A partial upper sternotomy
was performed in order to excise the adenoma and
his symptoms disappeared within several weeks. This
case highlights the variable and commonly nonspecific
symptoms of primary hyperparathyroidism and the
less well known fact that parathyroid adenoma may
occasionally be found intrathoracically.
Thorhallsdottir H, Asgeirsson KS, Gudbjartsson T.
Primary hyperparathyroidism due to an intrathoracic parathyroid adenoma. - A case
report and review of the literature. Icel Med J 2010; 96: 469-72.
Key words: Primary hyperparathyroidism, hypercatcemia, parathyroid adenoma,
mediastinum, surgery, case report.
Correspondence: Tómas Guðbjartsson, tomasgud@landspitali.is
Barst: 30. nóvember 2009, - samþykkt til birtingar: 1. maí 2010
Hagsmunatengsl: Engin
472 LÆKNAblaðið 2010/96