Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.1998, Qupperneq 132

Archaeologia Islandica - 01.01.1998, Qupperneq 132
I. A. Simpson, k.b. Milek & Garðar Guðmundsson tephra sequence (2.5Y 3/2) have been disrupted and incorporated into cultural horizons. Presumed floor layers (C9) are characterized by several thin (<2 cm thick) horizons of varying colours with moderate degrees of compaction. Context 7 is distinctly different from contexts 8 and 9 and is characterized by dark grey and dark grey brown (10 YR 3/1 - 3/2) silty loam deposits with frequent charcoal and bone fragments. These layers are currently interpreted as midden deposits consisting of predominantly turf and turf ash deposits. Layers within context 6 are characterized by their black (10YR 2/1) colour with lesser frequencies of 10YR 3/1 but are otherwise similar in their sedimentary characteristics. Again, current interpretation suggests ash based midden deposits, although in this case a greater proportion of wood ash is proposed. Compaction of the stratigraphy in the lower part of C6 suggests that there may have been a pathway across the deposits, before they were covered by more midden material. C5 is similar in its sedimen- tary properties to C7, suggesting a reversion to a more turf based ex- ploitation of fuel resources. TheC4 horizon The chronological relationship of the midden deposits in Area G and the structures in Area D has been estab- lished by the C4 horizon marker, which overlies the Area G midden deposits and underlies the turf walls of structure D-l. This suggests that the midden deposits and the pit house in Area G pre-date D-l. Close inspection of this horizon does however suggest that it is comprised of several micro- horizons and caution will be required in using this horizon as a key strati- graphic marker. Emerging hypotheses The stratigraphy described above al- lows the proposal of a number of hypotheses related to site formation, which will be tested by sediment thin section micromorphology. In 1996, ten samples for thin section analyses were collected from Area D and eight from Area G. Natural sediments: Natural sediments are evident beneath the settlement site and as post- abandonment sediments overlying the site. Micromorpholog- ical analysis of these soils will provide information about local environmental conditions immediately prior to site formation, as well as environmental conditions after the site was aban- doned. Environmental conditions prior to settlement are expected to be quan- titatively and qualitatively different from those after the abandonment of the longhouse. Floor layers: Field observations sug- gest that floor layers are present in three areas of the site so far investi- gated. The floor layers associated with the sunken floored building (Area G) can be expected to be different from floor layers associated with the long- 132
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Archaeologia Islandica

Tímarit Fornleifastofnunar Íslands
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